Iver Nicholas Nelson

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Iver Nicholas Nelson (born January 2, 1893 - September 27, 1970 in Davis (California) ) was an American Romanist and Hispanist .

life and work

Nelson studied ancient languages ​​at Washington University in St. Louis and taught in Tennessee . He then studied Spanish at the University of Missouri in Columbia (Missouri) and taught there with a master's degree as an instructor. After brief guest appearances at the Kansas State Teachers' College (today: Emporia State University Teachers College) and at Westminster College in Fulton (Missouri) , he received his doctorate in 1934 at the University of California at Berkeley with the thesis A study of the language of Fray Juan de Pineda's Agricultura Christiana (published in part in: Hispanic Review) and taught from 1934 until his retirement in 1960 at the University of California, Davis , first as an instructor for Spanish and French, from 1952 as professor and head of the Department of Foreign Languages. After suffering a stroke, he spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair.

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