Ivo Chlupáč

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Ivo Chlupáč (born December 6, 1931 in Benešov , † November 7, 2002 in Prague ) was a Czech geologist and paleontologist .


Chlupáč collected fossils as a schoolboy and published about them as a high school student. He studied geology at the Charles University in Prague and spent a long time at the Central Geological Institute in Prague. From 1991 until his retirement in 1997 he was professor of geology at the Charles University.

He dealt mainly with stratigraphy of the Paleozoic and especially the Devonian and was a member of the International Commission for Stratigraphy of the Devonian and Silurian. Based on stratigraphic investigations of graptolites in the vicinity of Prague in the 1950s, he was able to determine the Silurian-Devonian boundary more precisely (first internationally recognized stratotype ). The Lochkovium that he introduced was recognized internationally. He also dealt with trilobites , Devonian goniatites and the general methodology of stratigraphy. In Bohemia he mainly deals with the barrandium and wrote several geological guides on it. More than 300 scientific publications come from him.

The Museum of Geology and Paleontology at Charles University is named after him.

He was a member of the Leopoldina and for many years chairman of the Czechoslovak Stratigraphic Commission.


  • Stratigraphical study of the oldest Devonian beds of the Barrandian, Sbor. Ustr. VAT geol. 21, Prague 1955, 91–224 (Czech with English summary)
  • Trilobite assemblages in the Devonian of the Barrandian area and their relation to palaeoenvironments, Geologica et Palaeontologica, 17, 1983, 45-73
  • with others: Early Paleozoic of the Bohemian Massif, Internat. Geolog. Congress, Prague 1968, Guide to Excursions
  • Geology of the Barrandian, a field trip guide, Senckenberg-Buch 69, 1993
  • The Silurian-Devonian border from Karlsteijn (Czech Republic), in: Werner K. Weidert, Classical Findings of Paleontology, Volume 4, 2001, Goldschneck Verlag
  • A reef of the Lower Devonian near Koneprusy, in: Werner K. Weidert, Classical Findings of Paleontology, Volume 3, 1995, Goldschneck Verlag
  • with Frantisek Vacek: Thirty years of the first international stratotype: The Silurian-Devonian boundary at Klonk and its present status. Episodes, 26 (3): 10-15, Beijing 2003
  • with Z. Kukal: The boundary stratotype at Klonk. The Silurian-Devonian Boundary. IUGS Series, A5: 96-109, Berlin 1977
  • The Bohemian Lower Devonian stages. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 55: 345–400, Frankfurt am Main 1982
  • Vycházky za geologickou minulostí Prahy a okolí (Walks into the geological past of Prague and its environs), 1999
  • Geologická minulost České republiky (The Geological Past of the Czech Republic), 2002, 2nd edition 2011

Web links

Literature and other media by and about Ivo Chlupáč in the catalog of the National Library of the Czech Republic

Individual evidence

  1. With a short biography