Ivan Bahrjanyj

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Ivan Bahrjanyj, portrait on a Ukrainian coin

Ivan Pavlovich Bahrjanyj , born Losowjaha or Losowjahin ( Ukrainian Іван Павлович Багряний (Лозов'яга, Лозов'ягін); Russian Иван Павлович Багряный (Лозовяга, Лозовягин); born September 19 . Jul / 2. October  1907 greg. In Kusemyn , today Ochtyrka Rajon , Sumy Oblast , Ukraine ; † August 25, 1963 in Neu-Ulm , Bavaria , Germany ) was a Ukrainian poet, prose writer, publicist and politician. Ivan Bahrjanyj was awarded the Taras Shevchenko Prize posthumously in 1992 .



Ivan Bahrjanyj was born in Kuzemin, the son of a bricklayer. After graduating from secondary school, Bahrjanyj studied in the locksmith's school from 1920 and then in the ceramic and art school.

During the Russian Civil War, Ivan Bahrjanyj was active in the Communist Youth Association (Komsomol). In 1925 he announced his resignation. At this time Bahrjanyj began his literary activity. He joined the literary association of Ukrainian writers and poets "Workshop of Revolutionary Words", where Bahrjanyj Valeryan Pidmohylnyj and Eugene Pluschnik came closer. Ivan Bahrjanyj published in the magazines Globus , Vseswit , Schitja j revoluzija , Chervonyj shljach and others. In 1930 the novel was published in Versen Skel'ka (ukr. "Скелька").

Arrests and imprisonment

Ivan Bahrjanyj was arrested in Kharkiv on April 16, 1932 . The public prosecutor's office brought charges of counter-revolutionary agitation in his literary works. Bahrjanyj was imprisoned for eleven months. On October 5, 1932, Bahrjanyj was exiled to the Far East . He tried to escape from prison without success, was arrested again and transferred to the Baikalo-Amursky Labor Camp (BAM).

The exact date of his return home is not known, but on June 16, 1938, Bahrjanyj was arrested again for participating in the counter-revolutionary and nationalist organization. On April 1, 1940, Ivan Bahrjanyj was released from prison. The public prosecutor's office was unable to prove that Bahrjanyj was guilty.

Second World War

Ivan Bahrjanyj was involved in the national Ukrainian movement during the Second World War. He wrote songs, articles and program documentation for the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). At the same time he was engaged in literature. In 1944 Bahrjanyj wrote the novels Swirolovy (ukr. "Звіролови"), Tigrolovy (ukr. "Тигролови") and the poem Guljai-Pole (ukr. "Гуляй-Поле").


Grave site in Neu-Ulm

Ivan Bahrjanyj emigrated to Germany in 1945 before the end of the Second World War . After the war, Bahrjanyj wrote the brochure Why I do not want to return to the Soviet Union (ukr. "Чому я не хочу повертатися до СРСР?") In which he made political declarations.

Bahrjanyj founded the Ukrainian Revolutionary Democratic Party in 1948. He also edited the newspaper Ukrainische Nachrichten (ukr. "Українські вісті") from that year and until his death . Ivan Bahrjanyj headed the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Council (ukr. Українська Національна Рада). He was also the Deputy President of the Ukrainian People's Republic Stepan Vitwitzkyj . In 1963, the Chicago branch of the Association of Democratic Young People of Ukraine nominated Bahrjanyj for the Nobel Prize . Ivan Bahrjanyj died on August 25, 1963. He was buried in Neu-Ulm.


Ivan Bahrjanyj was married to Halina Trihub (1921-2004). She came from Ternopil Oblast , Ukraine . Halina Bahrjanyj found her final resting place in the grave of her husband in the Neu-Ulm main cemetery.



  • Etude , 1921 (ukr. "Етюд")
  • Madonna , 1925 (ukr. "Мадонна")
  • Hase , 1925 (ukr. "Заєць")
  • Petro Kamenjar , 1925 (ukr. "Петро Каменяр")
  • Junge , 1928 (ukr. "Пацан")
  • Hand , 1928 (ukr. "Рука")


  • Mongolia , 1927 (ukr. "Монголія")
  • Feast of the Dogs , 1928 (ukr. "Собачий бенкет")
  • Ave Maria , 1929
  • Whip , 1928–1930 (ukr. "Батіг")
  • Gutenberg , 1928–1930 (ukr. "Ґутенберґ")
  • Comet , 1928–1930 (ukr. "Комета")
  • Anton Bida - Hero of Labor , 1947 (ukr. "Антон Біда - герой труда")


  • General , 1944 (ukr. "Генерал")
  • Morituri , 1947

Collections of Poetry

  • The golden boomerang , 1946 (ukr. "Золотий бумеранґ")
  • Songs (ukr. "Пісні")


  • Felschen , 1930 (ukr. "Скелька")
  • Garden of Gethsemane , 1950 (ukr. "Сад Гетсиманський")
  • Marusja Boguslawka , 1957 (ukr. "Маруся Богуславка")
  • Man running over the abyss , 1965 (ukr. "Людина біжить над прірвою")


  • Ukraine on the Pacific , 1944 (ukr. "Україна біля Тихого океану")
  • On a new path , 1946 (ukr. "На новий шлях")
  • Why don't I want to return to the Soviet Union , 1946 (ukr. "Чому я не хочу повертатися до СРСР?")
  • Birth of the book , 1956 (ukr. "Народження книги")

Children's literature

  • Fairy tale about the stork and Pawlik the traveler , 1943 (ukr. "Казка про лелек та Павлика-мандрівника")
  • Lullaby , 1955 (ukr. "Колискова")
  • Telephone , 1956 (ukr. "Телефон")

See also


  • Загребельний П. Багряний Іван // УЛЕ - С. 108.
  • Енциклопедія українознавства. Словникова частина. - Т. 1. - С. 81.
  • МУ-97 - С. 33.
  • Шугай О. В. Багряний Іван // Энциклопедия современной Украины . - Т. 2. - К., 2003. - С. 65-66.
  • Шевченко Л. А. Багряний Іван Павлович // Энциклопедия истории Украины . - Киев: Наукова думка, 2003. - Т. 1 - С. 162.
  • Шевченківські лауреати 1962-2001: Енциклопедичний довідник. - К., 2001. - С. 29-31.
  • Жив у Кам'янці поет // Прапор Жовтня (Кам'янець-Подільський). - 1990. - 18 серпня. - С. 4th
  • Шугай О. Через терни Гетсиманського саду // Літературна Україна. - 1990. - 6 вересня. - С. 6th
  • Шугай О. Через терни Гетсиманського саду: Нове з біографії Івана Багряного // Україна. - 1991. - № 18. - С. 30—35, 3—4 вкладки.
  • Гаврильченко О. , Коваленко А. Штрихи до літературного портрета Івана Багряного // Багряний І. Сад Гетсиманський. - К., 1992. - С. 3-18.
  • Череватенко Л. «Ходи тільки по лінії найбільшого опору - і ти пізнаєш світ» // Багряний І. Людина біжить над прірвою. - К., 1992. - С. 293-319.
  • Дзюба І. Публіцистика Івана Багряного // Сучасність. - 1992. - № 4. - С. 64-70.
  • Шугай Олександр . Іван Багряний (1906-1963), письменник, громадський діяч // 100 найвідоміших українців. - К., 2005. - С. 564-571.

Web links

Commons : Ivan Bahrianyi  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files