Ivan Petrovich Martos

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The monument to Minin and Poscharsky by Ivan Martos, 1804–1818

Ivan Martos ( Russian Иван Петрович Мартос * 1754 in Ichnia , today Ukraine ; † April 5 . Jul / 17th April  1835 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian sculptor .

life and work

Martos first attended the Russian Art Academy from 1764 to 1773 , after which he traveled to Rome and learned from Pompeo Batoni , Anton Raphael Mengs and Bertel Thorvaldsen . Martos was one of the most important representatives of Russian and Ukrainian sculpture at the time of Alexander I. He created many tombs and monuments based on the classicism style . One of his best known works is the Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in front of St Basil's Cathedral on the Red Square in Moscow .


  • Vadim Polewoi among others: Populjarnaja chudoschestwennaja enziklopedija: Tom 1 . Sowetskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1986, p. 434. (Russian)
  • Шубарт П. Мартос і Рішельє. Тандем европейських устремлінь України // Чорноморські новини. - 8 грудня 2012. - №97-98. (Ukrainian)

Web links

Commons : Ivan Petrovich Martos  - collection of images, videos and audio files