Iwo Amelung

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Iwo Amelung (* 1962 in Dresden ) is a German sinologist and university professor .


Amelung studied Sinology and History at the Georg-August University in Göttingen , the Shandong University in Jinan and at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (1983–1992). He received his doctorate in Sinology from the Free University of Berlin in 1999 . The doctoral thesis “ The Yellow River in Shandong (1851-1911): Flood Disasters and Coping with them in China in the Late Qing Period ” was published in 2000. Amelung completed his habilitation in 2005 with the subject “ Studies on the reception of 'Western knowledge' in late China Kaiserreiches ”at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. In the same year he had a teaching position at the ETH Zurich and represented the chair for the history and society of China at the seminar for Chinese and Korean studies at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen . From 2003 to 2007 he was Managing Director of the European Center for Chinese Studies at Peking University . Since 2007 he has been Professor of Sinology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and since 2012 sub-project manager at the Frankfurt LOEWE focus on “Extrajudicial and judicial conflict resolution”. He deals with the history of science and ideas in modern China.


  • The Yellow River in Shandong (1851–1911). Flood disasters and their management in China in the late Qing period (Opera Sinologica 9) , Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2000. ISBN 3-447-04337-7
  • together with Michael Lackner and Joachim Kurtz (Eds.): New Terms for New Ideas. Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China , Leiden: Brill, 2001. ISBN 90-04-12046-7
  • together with Matthias Koch, Joachim Kurtz, Eun-Jeung Lee and Sven Saaler (eds.): Self -assertion discourses in Asia: Japan - China - Korea , Munich: Academium 2003. ISBN 3-89129-845-5
  • together with Anett Dippner (Ed.): Critical conditions. The reception of the Frankfurt School in China , Frankfurt: Campus 2009. ISBN 978-3-593-39009-3

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