Jozef Baj

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Józef Baj (born January 22, 1922 in Felsztyn (today in western Ukraine ), † February 14, 2006 in Warsaw ) was a Polish resistance fighter , concentration camp inmate and designer of radiesthetic devices.


Before the Second World War, he worked in aircraft production in Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze in Mielec . During the German occupation of Poland, he and three of his sisters took part in the resistance movement (underground scout organization Szare Szeregi and the Polish Home Army ). He was arrested in January 1943 and spent three months in prison for political prisoners in Warsaw ( Pawiak ). In April 1943 he was deported as a prisoner with the number 119185 to Auschwitz and at the end of the war to Sachsenhausenoffset. After the liberation of the camp, he returned to Warsaw, where he worked as a mechanic until he retired.

In Auschwitz concentration camp, he met a Swiss man of Polish origin who taught him the basics of radiesthesia. Baj made professional pendulums out of wood without proper tools, only with the help of a small pocket knife . The use of the pendulum saved the lives of the two concentration camp inmates. The camp management asked them to look for new water sources. If they hadn't found water, the pit would have become their grave. However, the water wells they localized worked properly, and they were given the privilege of doing radiesthesia for private purposes. Baj also learned about therapeutic radiesthesia from his colleague, which enabled him to survive several times. When he retired in the late 1970s, he founded a workshop in Warsaw where he could design and manufacture pendulums according to his ideas. His devices spread not only in Poland but also all over the world.

Since the death of Józef Baj, his pendulum manufacture has been continued by his long-term employees Barbara Leśniewska and Aleksandra Gondek . By 2018 they worked on over 200 different pendulum models.


  • Władysław Bartoszewski: The death ring around Warsaw 1939-1944. Arranged: Wanda Symonowicz u. Halina Zawadzka. Interpress, no place, 1969
  • Józef Baj: Gehenna. Relacja z walk zbrojnych i pobytu w obozach koncentracyjnych. ZBOWiD Oddział Warszawa-Wola, Warszawa, 1978 (in Polish)
  • Leszek Matela: Radiesthesia in Poland yesterday and today. RGS, 1/1986
  • Leszek Matela: The Pendulum by Józef Baj. RGS, 2/1994
  • Leszek Matela: The UWU color pendulum. Radiesthesia Radionics (RGS), 3/2013
  • Leszek Matela: Baj manufactory develops new pendulums. Radiesthesia Radionics (RGS), 2/2015
  • Leszek Matela: New pendulums from the Baj workshop. Radiesthesia Radionics (RGS), 1–2 / 2016

Individual evidence

  1. . Retrieved March 10, 2018