Jörg Himmelreich

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Jörg Himmelreich (born August 7, 1959 in Bad Hersfeld ) is a German political scientist and journalist .


Himmelreich studied law , political science and history in Freiburg, Cologne, Bonn and London. He passed the second state examination in law at the Berlin Superior Court in October 1989 . In May 1993 he did his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin . After researching at the local institute for constitutional and administrative law and as reprivatisation officer at Treuhandanstalt Zentrale, he worked for WestLB in Moscow and London from 1995 to 2001 . After working in a Board of Management office of DaimlerChrysler AG on Russia in Berlin and Stuttgart and for the chairman of the German Committee on Eastern Europe, he worked in the planning staff of the Foreign Office from 2003 to 2004 . He taught as a visiting professor at the University of California in San Diego and was a Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Washington and Berlin. Since 2009 he has been teaching international relations at Jacobs University Bremen .

After 30 years of membership in the FDP , he was a member of Alternative für Deutschland for 5 months , but left the party in March 2014. As an expert, he was a member of the EU Commission of Inquiry into the Russian-Georgian War in 2008 . He is a regular foreign policy commentator for the NZZ and Deutschlandradio Kultur . On November 1, 2019, he was appointed Professeur Affilié of the École Superieure de Commerce à Paris (ESCP), Paris / Berlin.

Jörg Himmelreich lives in Berlin and has eight children.

Selected publications

  • The parliamentary right of inquiry in the decentralized state. Federal principle and guarantee of local self-government as barriers to parliamentary investigations. Doctoral thesis, Shaker Verlag, Berlin 1995, ISBN 978-3-8265-5124-6 .
  • Considerations on the unbundling of party and state in the GDR. Jakob Kaiser Foundation, Koenigswinter 1990, OCLC 22115720 .

Selected articles in magazines and newspapers

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günther Lachmann: AfD officials flee from Luckes autocracy. In: Welt Online. April 1, 2014, accessed August 7, 2015 .
  2. Zoff at the AfD: NRW state chief Burger throws down. In: focus.de. Retrieved August 7, 2015 .
  3. HIMMELREICH Jörg | ESCP. Retrieved July 13, 2020 .