Jaac van Harten

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Jaac van Harten is the pseudonym of the Jewish jeweler and art dealer Jaques-Jules Yaacov Levy (also Julius Lewy, born October 3, 1901 or 1902 in Gleiwitz / Silesia ; died 1973 in Tel Aviv ).

According to various reports, he was significantly involved in the Bernhard action . He initially worked as a jeweler in Wroclaw and later fled to Switzerland via Amsterdam , but was expelled by the local authorities. He then lived in Budapest from 1940 to 1944 , where he acted as a representative of the International Red Cross and helped many Jews emigrate . He also worked as an art dealer and worked with Kurt Becher , for example . A convicted fraudster from the city of Bremen has been trying since 2017 to prove that he is the son of Yaacov Levy and a legitimate heir. For this purpose he also presented documents from the Bremen Jewish Community . The name of the jeweler Julius Lewy can be found in Wroclaw address books with different spellings. It is not certain whether it is always the same person, since many Jews had to seek refuge as sub-tenants in the 1930s due to persecution by National Socialism .

After the end of the Second World War, he moved with his family to Israel and reopened a jewelry store in Tel Aviv. He was married and had a stepson .


Shraga Elam : Hitler's forger. How Jewish, American and Swiss agents helped the SS launder counterfeit money. Überreuter Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3757-2 .

See also

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References and comments

  1. z. B. according to the opinion of the Israeli journalist Shraga Elam
  2. Lawrence Malkin: Hitler's Counterfeiters , hey! Publishing 2014, pages 14ff.
  3. ^ Local court puzzles over the name of a Bremen citizen , report in the Weser-Kurier dated February 14, 2019
  4. sometimes the first name is abbreviated with J .; often at Gabitzstrasse 163, z. B. 1935 also a Julian Lewy as a businessman
  5. Catherine Friedla: Jews in Breslau / Wroclaw 1933-1949 , Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar 2015, page 217