Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

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Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Original title 銀河 パ ト ロ ー ル ジ ャ コ
transcription Ginga Patorōru Jako
genre Adventure, fantasy, comedy, shons
country JapanJapan Japan
author Akira Toriyama
publishing company Shūeisha
magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump
First publication July 13, 2013 - September 30, 2013
expenditure 1

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman ( Japanese 銀河 パ ト ロ ー ル ジ ャ コ , Ginga Patorōru Jako ) is a manga series by the Japanese illustrator Akira Toriyama , which takes place in the same universe as his most famous work, Dragon Ball , and is located before it. The total of 11 chapters of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman originally appeared in 2013 in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump and were later published in an anthology in April 2014, together with the bonus chapter Dragon Ball Minus . The title character, Jaco, also appears in the film Dragonball Z: Resurrection 'F' and the series Dragon Ball Super .


Dragon Ball Minus

Bardock is currently on a field mission when his troops are ordered to retreat via scouter, as all Saiyajin are to return to the planet Vegeta as soon as possible on orders from Freezer . When they have almost reached Vegeta, Bardock sees Freezer's spaceship, which makes him suspect bad things.

Once on Vegeta, nobody can tell him why all Saiyajin have to return. Bardock learns that Freezer's army is interested in information about a Super Saiyan .

In his spaceship floating in Vegeta's orbit, Freezer ponders the legend of the Super Saiyan and the Super Saiyan God . He doesn't want to take any chances, the Saiyan are too proud to be loyal to him anyway. Most of the Saiyan should have arrived on Vegeta in a month, then Freezer wants to implement his plan and wipe out the Saiyan and the planet.

Meanwhile, Prince Vegeta decides to ignore the order to return on a distant planet that he is conquering together with Raditz .

In the food distribution center of the planet Vegeta Bardock encounters the working there Gine and asked her about their common sons Raditz and Kakarot . He learns that Raditz is on the road with Prince Vegeta and that Kakarott will soon come out of his incubator, in which he has been for three years. Bardock senses that Freezer is up to something deadly and decides to steal a space capsule for Kakarott at night to send him to safe earth. Bardock refuses a joint escape, as suggested by Gine, as they would be tracked down with the scouters. In the event that Bardock is wrong and yet no major disaster threatens, Gine Kakarott promises shortly before his departure that his parents will pick him up as soon as possible. Bardock warns his son about the Galactic Guard and against staring at the full moon for too long.

At the headquarters of the Galactic Guard, Jaco receives the order from the Galactic King to prevent the Saiyan child from conquering the earth or to destroy the Earthlings if they are not worth protecting.

A little later the planet Vegeta is destroyed.

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - About 10 years ago

The old man Oomori remembers when he encountered an alien about 10 years ago ...

Chapter DB-11

A UFO rams the moon and crashes towards earth ...

On the small island where he lives alone, the old man Oomori works unsuccessfully on a machine, brings flowers to his wife's grave and finally goes home. The sun goes down and there is a report on television about the singer An Azuki , who is supposed to have an appearance in space inside the rocket Twinkle 8 in three days . "Nonsense ..." says Oomori and goes outside to smoke and read.

Suddenly, a loud, long-lasting noise can be heard and Oomori sees an alleged plane crash in the sea. He fears that the crew will be eaten by the nocturnal monster shark. The monster shark actually appears, but the pilot Jaco quickly brings his crashed flying object with his own hands, swimming ashore, where he meets Oomori. He introduces himself to him as an alien and galactic constable. As an engineer, Oomori suggests that the alien repair his broken spaceship so that the uninvited guest can leave the island as quickly as possible. The old man wants to start repairs the next morning and allows the alien to sleep in his house.

Arriving at Oomori's house, Jaco explains that the Galactic Guard had been sending fly-sized robots to earth to gather information for a long time, so he knew a lot about earth and, as a “super-elite” guard, he knew all the languages ​​of the universe. Oomori asks Jaco if his people have a time machine, to which Jaco replies that they don't have one and that controlling time is forbidden by law in intergalactic law due to its extremely dangerous nature. Before they go to sleep, the two give each other their names.

After 30 minutes of sleep, Jaco gets up again, walks across the island, reads books, sings the theme song of the Galactic Guard and takes down the dreaded monster shark.

When Jaco discovered the remains of a research laboratory the next day, Oomori told him about his past: Oomori had been commissioned by the government to secretly develop a time machine. He had lived happily with his wife on this island for some time while working on this project in the same place, but one day there was an accident. Many people died. Oomori was only injured, but his wife was killed. After this accident, research and the island were abandoned and Oomori has lived there alone ever since.

Oomori adds that the government obviously has no good plans for the time machine and that he hates the people.

Jaco then says that he actually came to earth to help people. In three days, at 10 a.m., a missile from a planet populated by brutal aliens is supposed to arrive in the area. It is Jaco's duty to defeat the alien aboard this missile. Since, according to Oomori, there are so many bad people, he is now also considering using an "extermination bomb" to set free a virus that only destroys people ...

Chapter DB-10

Just as he tells Oomori that the Galactic Guard consists of only 38 members, Jaco spots a ship with four occupants in the distance. In a flash, the alien disappears onto a high rock from which it can overlook the entire island.

The ship docks and two men and a woman step onto the jetty where Oomori is already waiting. One of the two men introduces himself as Katayude from the government police . He explains to Oomori that the island they are on should become a haven for politicians. Katayude gives Oomori a week to leave the island and threatens him with forcible removal or imprisonment if he resists. As quickly as they came, the three of them leave the island again.

At sea, Katayude wonders, since Oomori should live alone on the island, who is the person on the rock he can see through his binoculars ...

Back at Oomori, on the jetty, Jaco explains that he was able to overhear the conversation between him and the government police thanks to the Galactic Receiver on his ear. He is angry with the officer and throws a stone at the distant ship, which sinks and forces the four occupants to transfer to a lifeboat.

Jaco was able to spot a strange machine from the rock near the destroyed research laboratory. At first Oomori tries to talk his way out of it, but finally he admits that it is a time machine. Oomori has been working on completing the time machine since the accident in order to save his wife and assistant. So far, however, he has only managed to speed up the user's sense of time so that the rest of the world appears paused. Jaco lets this go through again because it is not clearly a matter of controlling time. But he emphasizes again that Oomori should repair his spaceship as soon as possible ...

Chapter DB-9

While Oomori is investigating Jacos' broken spaceship, the alien tells him that the Galactic Constables receive their orders directly from the Galactic King. Oomori has found the defect: Apparently the fuel was lost in the collision with the moon and only a tiny bit of the substance is left. Oomori sets to work to analyze it to determine whether it is a substance that also exists on earth.

Meanwhile, Jaco sees a report on television about the rocket "Twinkle 8", with which the singer An Mizuki is supposed to perform in space in two days. This space mission is anything but harmless: Of the seven rocket launches so far, three have failed!

Oomori's analysis is over. The substance from Jaco's spaceship is the extremely valuable, blue metal "sky gold". For a full tank, Jaco would need about a kilo of it - which would cost 76 million yen (≈ € 600,000). For a flight to the headquarters of the Galactic Guard, 250 grams would be enough, but that would still be 19 million yen (≈ 150,000 €)! Since this sum exceeds Oomori's budget by a lot, he wants to develop a new drive technology for the spaceship, but first he sets off with the disguised Jaco to the eastern capital to get some food ...

Chapter DB-8

Arriving in the western capital, Jaco, disguised as an Earthling in a hat and coat, is bumped into by a swordsman whose clothes are adorned with a "W". After the latter refuses to apologize for his rude behavior and describes the alien as a tiny man, Jaco wants to kill the bully, which Oomori can just keep him from doing.

A few streets further on, a man on his moped steals an old lady's handbag, but Jaco quickly pulls out his laser gun and detonates the thief's moped. The alien receives 20,000 yen from the grateful woman for returning the stolen handbag. He happily discovers that they are now “only” 18,980,000 yen short for the sky gold. Oomori buys dried nuts and next they want to get milk and cheese for Jaco.

When Oomori discovers in conversation with Jaco that the alien does not seem to be well received by its female conspecifics, a display can be seen in the background: Two days until the start of Twinkle 8 ...

Chapter DB-7

Oomori enters a shop to get milk and cheese. While Jaco waits outside, he hears two people in the distance arguing with each other. A man accuses a girl of staining her clothes with green tea and charges 200 thousand yen for it. When the girl says that the man bumped her, Jaco goes looking for them.

A few streets further he finally finds a man in antique-looking armor, who is holding a girl by the arm, and her three companions, two of whom are armed with a sword and one with a pistol.

The girl hits the man in the face with her fist, whereupon he slaps the young woman and grabs her collar. Jaco makes it clear that he does not tolerate violence against women, takes off his coat, takes off his hat and wants to teach the rowdy a lesson. The man with the pistol is now holding the girl, while the one with the armor prepares to kick Jaco, whom he scolds as a tiny man. The alien dodges him effortlessly, first hits him in the stomach, then in the face - breaking a few teeth - and finally he kicks him through the air so that he only comes to lie a few meters further. Jaco also incapacitates the remaining three men in a few simple steps.

Two police officers approach whom Jaco mistakenly thinks are hooligans and knocks them out. Oomori arrives and wants to disappear with the alien as quickly as possible, when the girl who had previously hidden from the police suggests that the two of them follow him ...

Chapter DB-6

Oomori and Jaco flee from the police with the young girl and reach the roof of a high building via a long staircase. Once there, the girl sees through that Jaco is an alien. Enthusiastic about this, she introduces herself as “tights” and tells us that she comes from the western capital. When Jaco climbs onto the railing of the roof to introduce himself in his famous "Galactic Sergeant" pose, the police officers looking for him in the street below discover him.

The police storm into the house, whereupon Jaco grabs Oomori and tights and takes off with the drive in his shoes. The police, who arrive a little later, only find an empty roof. The alien flies with them to the jetty where Oomori's boat is moored. Oomori wants to separate from the girl here, but Tights can persuade him to take her with him, otherwise she would divulge the existence of the alien.

On the way to the island, Tights says that she lives alone and therefore no one will worry about her. Jaco and Oomori tell her about the alien crash and the 19 million yen sky gold.

Arriving at Oomori's house, the three watch a television report of an attack on four men and two police officers in the 32nd district of the capital, which is said to have occurred at 8 p.m. The approximately 1.44 m tall perpetrator is referred to as "Mask Man", which Jaco is terribly upset about: Firstly he is 1.47 m tall, and secondly, "Mask Man" is an incredibly boring name ...

Chapter DB-5

Since the police do not know her face, Tights set off for the capital the next day to buy milk, cheese and peanuts. After five hours, however, she returns not only with the shopping, but also with all kinds of luggage - Tights wants to move to the small island!

When she learns that Oomori has to leave the island in six days, she is not very enthusiastic about it, but the mood is lifted again because Tights has brought something else from the city: a small disc of heavenly gold worth 3 million yen! This amount is enough to contact the Galactic Guard headquarters with the communication device in Jaco's spaceship. After Oomori has installed the sky gold in the missile, Jaco can successfully start the spaceship - but unfortunately he damages the antenna of the ship during a short test flight, which means that his radio message does not reach headquarters ...

Chapter DB-4

Oomori doubts he can fix the spaceship's antenna. During dinner, which was cooking tights, there is a report on the television about the "Mask Man". The government agent Katayude also sees this report and recognizes Jaco on the phantom image shown there. Fearing the nocturnal monster shark, however, he decides not to go to the island until the next morning to catch the criminal.

Very early the next morning, Tights borrows a boat from Oomori to go to Kiwi Island, from where she will fly into space as An Azuki's double on board the “Twinkle 8”! Tights always wanted to be a science fiction writer and was hired for this double job during a lecture by an astronaut because the risk of losing the real pop idol when the rocket launched would be too high. It is no longer possible to back out because Tights has already spent all of the money she received for this assignment on the Himmelsgold token. Jaco is deeply touched by this fact and he promises not to use the "extermination bomb" for the time being.

On TV, Oomori and Jaco can see tights clad in space suits entering the rocket when suddenly a boat approaches the small island. On board: the government policeman Katayude and some armed people ...

Chapter DB-3

Katayude enters the island with four armed police officers to arrest "Mask Man". Jaco turns himself in to the officers to apologize for his violent actions against the police in the city, and to obtain a new drawing of the model, which in his opinion does not look like him at all. Suddenly the “Twinkle 8” rocket starts on the horizon. Jaco realizes, however, that the rocket is in descent and Oomori realizes that it would hit the ground in less than two minutes. Fearing for tights, the alien rushes to his spaceship. When Jaco wants to let Oomori get on, Katayude fires a warning shot in the direction of the old man. With just a few movements, the alien transports the five policemen of the “ultimate special command” from the jetty into the sea and then storms with Oomori to his unfinished time machine.

"He beat us inside a panel ..." says Katayude as he climbs out of the water again. The driver of the police boat has received a radio message: The rocket is actually threatening to crash on the capital!

With the help of the time machine, Oomori and Jaco manage to hold the time for about 50 seconds, which gives them about 20 seconds more time. The two climb into Jaco's spaceship and take off into the sky ...

Chapter DB-2

When Jaco and Oomori reach the rocket with the spaceship, time starts running again and the "Twinkle 8" continues to fall. Oomori takes control of the saucer while Jaco climbs outside and rescues Tights and the captain, Okawari , on board the spaceship. At the urging of Oomoris, the alien also prevents the rocket from falling on the capital by first changing its trajectory with one kick and then causing it to explode over the sea with its laser pistol.

Having landed safely on the floor of the capital, Tights is overjoyed that they have been saved, and Captain Okawari thanks Jaco, who introduces himself to the amazed passers-by as the mysterious hero "Super Elite".

When Jaco, Oomori and Tights arrive back on the small island, Katayude is already waiting for them there with his special detachment. But since he was able to observe Jaco and Oomori's rescue operation through a telescope, he refrains from arresting Jaco, and Oomori no longer has to leave his island. Katayude, who mistakenly thinks Jaco is a robot, also promises shortly before his departure that the phantom of “Mr. Super Elite ”to be redrawn.

Although he is no longer wanted, Jaco, Oomori and Tights see a new phantom image on television, which - apart from the new robot look - hardly differs from the old one. Tights thinks it's a shame that she couldn't see the earth from space, and so the three of them fly into space, since very little celestial gold is needed, where Jaco is still upset about his new phantom image: "All Earthlings must die ... ".

Chapter DB-1

The next day Jaco looks out from a high rock on the small island for the flying object that is supposed to arrive on earth today. Jaco hopes that there is a young Saiyajin on board, as he would have no chance against a full-grown one and would have to flee. The Saiyajin from the planet Vegeta are a people of brutal aliens who love to fight and want to conquer the earth. Even the galactic guard is not up to them and the "extermination bomb" does not work for them either. The Saiyan send a small child to planets such as Earth, which are ruled by weak people, to slowly eliminate the population.

The moment the space capsule hits the ground, Jaco is distracted by tights. Since he cannot see a missile in the sky at the precalculated time, “Super Elite” assumes that the Saiyan ship missed earth and that the crisis was avoided.

The Saiyan child that has landed is now in Son Gohan's house, where it is filling its stomach. The boy is super strong, so it is fitting that Gohan is a master of martial arts. Gohan offers to stay with him and study with him if he doesn't have a home. Since it fell from heaven, Gohan calls the child Goku, Son Goku ( , means heaven).

Back on the small island, Tights has an idea: Jaco's spaceship has a built-in mechanism to control gravity. If Oomori would replicate this and sell it to the Capsule Corporation , he could finance the heavenly gold necessary for Jaco's departure. Dr. Briefs , the founder of Capsule Corporation and the richest man in the world, is also Tights' father!

After Tights called him, Dr. Briefs with his wife and Tights' little sister Bulma , who is five years old at the time, is visiting. The super genius Bulma repairs the antenna, sees through the anti-gravity system of the spaceship and makes an important discovery: The sky gold was not the energy source, but the energy storage of the UFO. Instead of sky gold, any metal with the same storage coefficient can be used, e.g. B. Copper, which costs only 400 yen per kilo.

Two days later, Jaco leaves earth with his spaceship and large quantities of his favorite cheese and milk.

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Present

In the meantime, the Capsule Corporation sent Oomori 100 billion zeny (150 billion yen) in gratitude, with which he officially bought the small island. Tights forced Jaco to travel to different planets with her for research and became a successful science fiction writer.

About ten years after Son Goku's landing, i.e. in the present, Oomori's time machine is still unfinished. Katayude now also lives on the island and is a good houseworker and cook, while Jaco now has a girlfriend and visits Earth from time to time.

After graduating from university, Bulma goes in search of seven spheres that can fulfill every wish. She has already found two of them, and based on the material of the spheres she suspects that they come from space.

Meanwhile, Son Goku is pulling a caught giant fish in the mountains.


Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is Toriyama's first Mange series since Sand Land , released 13 years earlier in 2000 . He provided insights into its creation process in the form of digital content for Jump Live! Mobile app from Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine . There he revealed that he started planning the manga a year before it was released, and that it should have premiered during the theatrical release of the film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods , but that he was so exhausted with two hours of sleep a night that that he was four months behind.

Toriyama created all drawings on the computer, and for the first time storyboards separately from rough drafts. He first created storyboards that he sent to his editor for review. After these were accepted, he drew rough drafts on the basis of these storyboards, which were later drawn again with final changes. Before Jaco , he used the rough drafts as storyboards so that he only had to draw each chapter twice, rather than three times. His editor took care of the final lettering and the series logo was sometimes adopted by someone else. Toriyama also said that this will probably be the last manga for which he does the drawing on his own.

Toriyama mentioned that Jaco the Galactic Patrolman would be released simultaneously overseas, and said that although foreign fans were likely to expect an action series like Dragon Ball , Jaco was simple and they might not understand some Japanese elements. Toriyama described the manga as a "stupid and funny story of friendship" and said that from the stories he created it was his favorite story with his favorite main character.


The first chapter of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman appeared on July 13, 2013 in the 33rd weekly issue of the manga magazine Shōnen Jump , the last on September 30 of the same year in the 44th weekly issue. All 11 chapters of the manga series were summarized together with the bonus chapter Dragon Ball Minus , in the form of an anthology published on April 4, 2014 in Japan, which was published in two different book formats , namely both as a tankōbon and as a larger Shinsōban .

In Germany the manga was already introduced by Carlsen Manga! licensed and slated for release on May 26, 2015 as part of the Toriyama Short Stories series.

Individual evidence

  1. Movie Guide | 2015 theatrical film. In: Kanzenshuu. Retrieved January 6, 2016 (American English).
  2. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 19/2014 (April 2014): Dragon Ball Minus , pp. 224–239
  3. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 33/2013 (July 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 1 , pp. 4–39
  4. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 34/2013 (July 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 2 , pp. 45–59
  5. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 35/2013 (July 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 3 , pp. 115–129
  6. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 36/2013 (August 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 4 , pp. 161-175
  7. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 37–38 / 2013 (August 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 5 , pp. 73–87
  8. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 39/2013 (August 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 6 , pp. 65–79.
  9. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 40/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 7 , pp. 51-65
  10. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 41/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 8 , pp. 123-137
  11. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 42/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 9 , pp. 99–113
  12. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 43/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter 10 , pp. 39-69
  13. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 44/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter +1 , pp. 25–51
  14. Viz Media: Weekly Shonen Jump No. 44/2013 (September 2013): Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Chapter +1 , pp. 51-55
  15. 鳥山明 氏 、 13 年 ぶ り 新 連載 決定 タ イ ト ル は 『銀河 パ ト ロ ー ル ジ ャ コ』 ( Japanese ) Oricon . July 1, 2013. Retrieved March 28, 2014.
  16. a b c Behind the Scenes of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman # 1 . In: Shueisha (Ed.): Jump LIVE! . 5th August 2013.
  17. Behind the Scenes of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman # 2 . In: Shueisha (Ed.): Jump LIVE! . August 12, 2013.
  18. Dragon Ball's Toriyama to Launch Ginga Patrol Jako Manga . Anime News Network . June 26, 2013. Retrieved March 27, 2014.
  19. Shueisha's official shonenjump.com Facebook page . Shueisha . September 30, 2013. Accessed March 9, 2015.
  20. ^ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman (Shinshoban) - books.shueisha.co.jp. Retrieved October 28, 2014 .
  21. ^ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman (Shinsōban) - books.shueisha.co.jp. Retrieved October 28, 2014 .
  22. ^ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - Kanzenshuu. Retrieved October 28, 2014 .
  23. TORIYAMA SHORT STORIES (Akira Toriyama) - Carlsen Manga! Forum. Retrieved October 28, 2014 .
  24. Toriyama Short Stories, Volume 5 - Carlsen.de. Retrieved February 22, 2015 .