Jacob Burckhardt Prize

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Jacob Burckhardt Prize is the name of two cultural prizes , which were organized by the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Foundation in Basel , initiated by the Hamburg entrepreneur Alfred Toepfer , and by the Art History Institute in Florence - Max Planck Institute together with the Association for Funding of the Art History Institute in Florence (Max Planck Institute) eV .

The awards commemorate the Swiss cultural and art historian Jacob Burckhardt (1818–1897).

Jacob Burckhardt Prize of the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Foundation, Basel

Awarded for exemplary artistic achievements. It is endowed with 20,000 Swiss francs.

Award winners

Jacob Burckhardt Prize of the Institute of Art History in Florence - Max Planck Institute

Awarded to young academics in the field of art history. The prize is endowed with € 10,000 and enables a three-month research stay in Florence as well as the opportunity to publish the scientific results of the stay.

Award winners

Web links

See also