Jacob August Franckenstein

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Jacob August Franckenstein , also JA Frankenstein (born December 27, 1689 in Leipzig ; † May 10, 1733 ibid) was a German legal scholar and chief editor of the first two volumes of Zedler's large, complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts .


As the son of the lawyer and historian Christian Gottfried Franckenstein , Jacob August acquired a master's degree in philosophy in Leipzig in 1713 and, four years later, a doctorate in law. From 1721 to 1732 he was professor for natural and international law at the University of Leipzig .

In 1731 Johann Heinrich Zedler asked him to head the editorial office of the universal dictionary. The first two volumes appeared under his leadership, but after two years there was a falling out between the two and Franckenstein left the editorial office. He died two months later.

He was succeeded by Paul Daniel Longolius .

Publications (selection)

  • 1723: Jakob August Frankenstein: Portuguese Theatrum by Johann Michael Teubner / Königl. Preussis. Privileged booksellers / Halberstadt 1723.
  • 1724: Jacob August Franckenstein: Swiss theater. bey Johann Michael Teubner (n), Halberstadt 1724 ( online )
  • 1725: Jacob August Franckenstein: Englisches Theatrum ( Online )

Individual evidence

  1. Book Description and Proofs (PDF; 281 kB), accessed on October 10, 2013

Web links