Jacques Chardonne

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Jacques Chardonne , actually Jacques Boutelleau, (born January 2, 1884 in Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire , † May 29, 1968 in La Frette-sur-Seine ) was a French writer.


Birthplace of Jacques Chardonne

Coming from a family of cognac traders, his father, Georges Boutelleau, was a writer. His mother, a Quaker of American descent, was one of the heirs to the Haviland porcelain factory in Limoges . His pseudonym can be traced back to the Swiss municipality of Chardonne , where he lived and worked for some time.

From 1926 onwards Jacques Chardonne lived with Camille Belguise and her son André Bay (1916–2013) in the Villa Jacques Chardonne , which was built by Henri Pacon in La Frette-sur-Seine . For some time he took over the management of the Delamain bookstore (Stock, Delamain and Boutelleau), which is now part of the Gallimard publishing group .

Germanophile , he took part in a trip through Germany in October 1941 with other French writers, such as Pierre Drieu La Rochelle and Robert Brasillach , on the occasion of the Congress of European Writers in Weimar . In 1942 he traveled to Germany again with Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. The German sculptor Arno Breker , who traveled to Paris in 1942 for an exhibition of his works, described him as always open to German culture and its spirit. He also praised him as someone who would have the courage to see future partners in the soldiers who occupied Paris.

His son Gérard (1911–1962) lived in 1942 with André Gide in Tunis , which was occupied by the Germans at the end of 1942. Gérard was deported to Oranienburg for resistance work . Chardonne was able to exert its influence on Gerhard Heller . Gérard was released, but he went back into the resistance, was arrested again in 1944, but was able to escape. Now, according to his statements, Heller got into trouble.

After the liberation, Chardonne feared falling victim to a firing squad because he had collaborated under Vichy. Like his publisher Bernard Grasset , he was arrested in Jarnach on September 12, 1944, and held in Cognac prison for a few weeks. After contacting some influential people, he was placed under house arrest. The sale and manufacture of his books was banned. His innocence was later certified in a court case.


Considered the author of the right, he can be seen as the spiritual father of those who called themselves "Les Hussards", namely Roger Nimier , Jacques Laurent and Antoine Blondin . He also belonged to the "École de Barbezieux" movement, along with Geneviève Fauconnier , Henri Fauconnier , Maurice Delamain , Jacques Delamain , Germaine Boutelleau , without sharing the views of their members.

His first work L'épithalame (1921) is a romance novel . This was followed by Les Varais (1929), Eva (1930) and Claire (1931), in which he made a name for himself as a novelist and moralist and finally went over to melancholy descriptions in L'amour du prochain (1932).

Jacques Chardonne wrote about 20,000 letters. For this, was he on graph paper representing his true opinion while löge on white paper. His friends knew this deal. François Mitterrand expressed his admiration for Chardonne several times.

The summer in La Maurie first appeared in La Nouvelle Revue Francaise N ° 322 in December 1940. In it, the author describes a farmer from the Charente who offers an officer cognac and says: “I would have preferred to have invited you ... , but I will pour you the cognac with all my heart. "

Works (selection)

  • 1921 L'Épithalame (Paris, Librairie Stock et Vienne, Larousse 1921; Grasset 1929; Ferenczi 1933; Albin-Michel 1951; SC Edit.Rencontre, Lausanne 1961; LGF, 1972; Albin-Michel, 1987)
  • 1927 Le Chant du Bienheureux (Librairie Stock, 1927; Albin-Michel, 1951)
  • 1929 Les Varais , dedicated to Maurice Delamain (Grasset, 1929; Ferenczi et fils, 1932; Albin-Michel, 1951; Grasset, 1989)
  • 1930 Eva ou le journal interrompu , dedicated to Camille Belguise, sa seconde épouse (Grasset, 1930; Ferenczi 1935; Albin-Michel 1951; Gallimard, 1983)
  • 1931 Claire , dedicated to Henri Fauconnier (Grasset, 1931; Ferenczi 1936; Piazza, 1938; Albin-Michel, 1952; Club du Livre du Mois, 1957; Rombaldi, 1975; Grasset, 1983)
  • 1932 L'Amour du Prochain , dédié “à mon fils Gérard” (Grasset, 1932; La Jeune Parque, 1947; Albin-Michel, 1955)
  • 1934 Les Destinées sentimentales (Grasset, 1934–1936), trilogy: La Femme de Jean Barnery , dédié à Jacques Delamain ( id. , 1934); Pauline ( id. , 1934); Porcelaine de Limoges ( id. , 1936; Grasset, 1947; Albin-Michel, 1951; LGF, 1984)
  • 1937 Romanesques , dedicated to Paul Géraldy (Stock, 1937; édit.Colbert et Stock, 1943; Albin-Michel, 1954; La Table Ronde, 1996)
  • 1938 Le Bonheur de Barbezieux , dedicated to Marcel Arland (Stock, 1938, 1943; Monaco, édit. Du Rocher, 1947; Albin-Michel, 1955, Stock, 1980)
  • 1940 Chronique privée , dedicated "à ma fille France" (Stock, 1940)
  • 1941 Chronique privée de l'an 40 , dédié à Maurice Delamain (id.)
  • 1937 Voir la Figure - Réflexions sur ce temps , dedicated to «à mon ami André Thérive (…) souvenirs de l'année 1941 à Paris» (Grasset, 1941)
  • 1941 L'Amour, c'est beaucoup plus que l'amour , dedicated to "à Jean Rostand son ami" (Stock, 1937, 1941; Albin-Michel, 1957 + 1992)
  • Attachments - Chronique privée (Stock, 1941; Albin-Michel, 1955)
  • 1943 Le Ciel de Nieflheim , 1943. “qu'il détruit sur le point d'être publié. Il en interdit à jamais toute publication »(Caroline Hoctan - presentation de la correspondance Chardonne / Paulhan, op. Cit. , P. 22). Extraits publiés dans les Cahiers Jacques-Chardonne n ° 2 et 3
  • 1948 Chimériques' (Monaco, édit. Du Rocher, 1948 et 1992; Albin-Michel, 1954)
  • 1953 Vivre à Madère (Grasset, 1953; Albin-Michel, 1954)
  • 1954 Lettres à Roger Nimier et quelques réponses de Roger Nimier (Grasset, 1954; Albin Michel, 1955, rééd. Albin Michel, 1986)
  • 1956 Matinales , dedicated to André Sabatier (Albin-Michel)
  • 1959 Le Ciel dans la fenêtre , dedicated to Roger Nimier (Albin-Michel, 1959; La Table Ronde, 1998)
  • 1961 Femmes - contes choisis et quelques images , dedicated to Camille Belguise (Albin-Michel)
  • 1962 Détachements , Paris, édit. td - Jean-Paul Caracalla (1962; Albin-Michel, 1969)
  • 1964 Demi-jour - suite et fin du Ciel dans la fenêtre (Albin-Michel)
  • 1964 Catherine (Albin-Michel)
  • 1966 Propos comme ça (Grasset)


  • Ginette Guitard-Auviste: Jacques Chardonne, ou l'incandescence sous le givre . Olivier Orban, Paris 1983
  • Pol Vandromme: Chardonne, c'est beaucoup plus que Chardonne . Editions du Rocher, 2003
  • Hermann Hofer: Interpretations of literary texts of the collaboration . In: Karl Kohut (Hg): Literature of the Resistance and Collaboration in France Vol. 3: Texts and interpretations. Narr, Tübingen ISBN 3-87808-910-4 pp. 144-148
  • Gerhard Heller with Jean Grand: In an occupied country. Lieutenant Heller and the censorship in France 1940–1944 . Translated by Annette Lallemand-Rietkötter. Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 1985. ISBN 3-404-65066-2
  • Barbara Berzel: French literature under the sign of collaboration and fascism. Gunter Narr, Tübingen 2012. ISBN 3-8233-6746-3 esp. Pp. 285-367 (ie Chardonne chapter).

Individual evidence

  1. Photos of the Villa Jacques Chardonne 2013
  2. Heller, In an Occupied Land, pp. 118–122
  3. with his quotations on collaboration in French