Jacques Demogeot

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Jacques Demogeot (born July 5, 1808 in Paris , † 1894 ) was a French man of letters and homme de lettres .

Demogeot initially worked as a professor at high schools in Beauvais , Rennes , Bordeaux and Lyon . In 1843 he accepted a position as professor of rhetoric at the Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris. He was later appointed to the chair of rhetoric at the Faculté des lettres at the Sorbonne .

Works (selection)

  • Etude sur Pline le jeune (1845–50)
  • Les lettres et les hommes de lettre au XIX. siècle (1856), award-winning typeface
  • Histoire de la littérature française (1857, 21st edition 1884)
  • Tableau de la littérature française au XVII. siècle (1859)
  • Histoire des littératures étrangères (1880, 2 vols.)
  • Notes on diverse questions de métaphysique et de littérature (1877)
  • Two reports to the Minister of Public Education on Education in Schools in England and Scotland (1868 and 1870).
  • Roméo and Juliette . Drama (1852)
  • Paris nouveau (epic-lyrical descriptions, 1857)
  • Contes et nouvelles en vers (1860)