Jacques Le Gras

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Jacques Le Gras (* 1560 in Rouen ; † 1600 ) was a French lawyer and poet .


Jacques Le Gras was a son of the doctor Richard Le Gras (* 1526, † November 28, 1584), who after his death was celebrated by several contemporary poets in Greek, Latin and French verses due to his reputation. All of these occasional poems were published by his son Jacques Le Gras in a collection entitled Le tombeau du feu noble homme maître Richard Le Gras de Rouen (Paris 1586).

Jacques Le Gras himself studied law and became a lawyer in the parliament of his hometown. In his free time he devoted himself to poetry and wrote, in addition to occasional poems, a translation of the works and days of Hesiod under the title Les besongnes et les jours (Paris 1586). In the opinion of the Abbé Goujet, this translation, because of its accuracy and outstanding style, surpassed the previous translations of Hesiod's poem submitted by Richard Le Blanc, Lambert Daneau (Geneva 1571) and Jean-Antoine de Baïf (Paris 1574). Le Gras also introduced his friend La Croix du Maine's draft for a library of French literature ( Bibliothèque française ) through two sonnets , which are printed at the end of the preface. La Croix du Maine showed its appreciation for this and praised Le Gras as a learned linguist and excellent French poet.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry in catalogue.bnf.fr, accessed on May 31, 2020