Year ride

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Ride of the year or ride of the year is a historical term from popular belief or superstition that describes a fever that lasts for a whole year. According to belief, the Ride of the Year was a disease from which a person could fall ill through a curse or a curse. The actual existence of the disease has not been proven, the ride of the year is only passed down through recorded curses and sayings.

Historical formulas and sayings that should trigger the year ride or describe it are, for example:

“I have sworn that the moor het lan me; the jarritt broke them up. "

- Uhland : German Dictionary, Volume 10.

“We were hit hard. That’s why we didn’t bring you, the year patted us up. "

- German Dictionary, Volume 10.


The term Jahrritt (e) refers to the Old High German word rito or its Middle High German equivalent rite , which means something like to tremble or shake. A febrile illness with accompanying chills was called Ritte or Ritten .


Individual evidence

  1. Burchard Waldis: Esopus: 400 fables and stories after the first edition from 1548 . tape 1 . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-025475-4 , pp. 244 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. Rides . In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 14 : R - skewness - (VIII). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1893, Sp. 1051/1052 ( ).
  3. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz : Economic Encyclopedia . tape  125 , p. 115 ( online ).