Jakob Friedrich Beseler

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Jakob Friedrich Beseler (born November 6, 1790 in Rendsburg ; † November 11, 1876 ​​there ) was a German bell founder.

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Jakob Friedrich Beseler was a son of Barthold Jonas Beseler the Younger and his wife Anna Elisabeth Dose. Grandfather Barthold Jonas Beseler the Elder first cast bells in 1758 in a hut he had founded in Rendsburg. The father and later the son Barthold Christian Beseler continued the business.

Jakob Friedrich Beseler trained as a bell founder and then joined the royal Danish artillery corps, where he rose to become a commander-sergeant. On April 27, 1811 he married Dorothea Elisabeth Margarethe Blom (born November 6, 1790), who died in 1830.

After his brother Barthold Christian died in 1821, Jakob Friedrich continued the business of the Beseler bell foundry family . On October 19, 1822, he was granted the royal Danish privilege to cast bells and guns. On June 10, 1832, he married Dorothea Christina, widowed Hansen, nee Vogt.

After taking over the hut, Jakob Friedrich Beseler joined the civil artillery corps. From 1840 to 1846, when the corps was disbanded, he served as major and chief commander. After the outbreak of the war waged against Denmark, Prince von Noer commissioned Friedrich Beseler to assemble a civil artillery corps and gave him its command.

In 1851 Beseler opened a second hut in the Carlshütte . Due to the location north of the Eider , he was able to bells for the Schleswig Gießen area without having to meet the Danish customs requirements. In 1851 he passed the management of this hut to his son from his first marriage, Barthold Heinrich Michael Beseler . In 1871 he gave up his huts. This ended the tradition of the Rendsburg bell foundry.

Beseler belonged to the Neuwerker Schützengilde and acted there for some time as an elder and major. He left a total of twelve children.


  • Herbert Beelte: Beseler, Jakob Friedrich . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 2. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1971, pp. 54–55