Jakob Koppel Fränkel

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Jakob Koppel Fränkel (* 1600 in Höchstadt ; † April 17, 1670 in Vienna ) was a wealthy German-Austrian-Jewish private banker and court factor .


His father was Jeremias Isaak ha Levi , who was born in Baiersdorf in Franconia , and his mother was Ritschl Fränkel . He himself married four times: Lara, Vittoria, Zortel and Ella. Since 1640 at the latest he lived in Vienna, owned several houses there and was considered the richest Jew in the city. As an imperial court Jew or landscape Jew in Lower Austria , he was a buyer of sheep's wool and supplied the border troops with cloth. Shortly before the expulsion of the Viennese Jews in 1670 , he died on Thursday, April 17, 1670, and was buried on the same day in the Vienna Jewish cemetery. His three sons, David Isaac Seckel , Israel and Enoch, and their son-in-law, Rabbi Isachar Ber Meyer Halevi , paid a transfer fee of 4,000 guilders to maintain the cemetery. In addition, they paid a flat rate of 20,000 guilders to the emperor and added the Moldovan crown jewels pledged to them in order to dispute any claims from creditors. They first emigrated to Fürth , then some of them continued. Only six years later could they put a simple tombstone on it. The daughter of Ritschel's sons Elkan Fränkel and the rabbi Zwi Hirsch got caught up in a scandalous criminal trial in Fürth in 1712. Ritschel, also called Rechel, became the ancestor of a number of rabbis and scholars.


  • Hans Tietze: The Jews of Vienna. History - economy - culture . Vienna / Leipzig 1933. 2nd edition 2007 ISBN 978385476-221-8

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Single receipts

  1. Peter Trawnicek: Cloth Sold and landscape Jews . In: Yearbook for regional studies of Lower Austria . 2000, p. 66-68, 309-386 .
  2. David Kaufmann: The last expulsion of the Jews from Vienna and Lower Austria, their prehistory 1625-1670 and their victims . C. Konegen, 1889 ( archive.org [accessed March 23, 2020]).