James A. Bellamy

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James A. Bellamy (* 1925 in Kentucky ; † July 21, 2015 ) was an American scholar of Islam and professor of Arabic literature at the University of Michigan .


James A. Bellamy has made significant contributions to the textual criticism of the Koran . He was called the " doyen " of the emendation . He was one of the few who, after Ignaz Goldziher and Theodor Nöldeke, made improvements to the Koran. In a series of articles from 1973 to 2002 in the Journal of the American Oriental Society , Bellamy suggested emendations on the standard text of the Koran.

Bellamy's research approach belongs to the Revisionist School of Islamic Studies .

Works (selection)

  • The Mysterious Letters of the Koran: Old Abbreviations of the Basmalah , in: Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 93 Issue 3 pp. 267–285 (Jul – Sep 1973)
  • Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran , in: Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 113 Issue 4 pp. 562-573 (Oct-Dec 1993)
  • More Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran , in: Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 116 Issue 2 pp. 196-204 (Apr-Jun 1996)
  • Textual Criticism of the Koran , in: Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 121 Issue 1 pp. 1-6 (Jan-Mar 2001)
  • A Further Note on ʿĪsā , in: Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 122 Issue 3 pp. 1-6 (Jul-Sep 2002)
  • Textual Criticism of the Qurʼān , in: Encyclopedia of the Qur'ān, edited by McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, 2006. Vol. 5. pp. 237-252.


  1. Shawkat M. Toorawa, Hapless hapaxes and luckless rhymes: the Qurʼan as literature, in: Religion & Literature Vol. 41 issue 2 (Summer 2009), pp. 221-227, p. 223
  2. Muhammad Mohar Ali, The Qurʼân and the Orientalists, published by Jamʻiyat ʼIhyaaʼ Minhaaj al-Sunnah 2004, p. 316
  3. Devin J. Stewart, Notes on medieval and modern emendations of the Qurʼān, chapter in: The Qurʼān in Its Historical Context, edited by Reynolds and Gabriel Said, 2008, pp. 225-248, p. 233
  4. Devin J. Stewart, Notes on medieval and modern emendations of the Qurʼān, chapter in: The Qurʼān in Its Historical Context, edited by Reynolds and Gabriel Said, 2008, pp. 225-248, p. 233