Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen

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Portrait of Erard de La Marck

Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen (* around 1500 in Beverwijk ; † 1559 in Brussels ) was a Dutch painter , etcher , draftsman and wallpaper designer . He was active in Flanders and Spain .

Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen was probably a student of Jan Gossaert . Around 1525 he became court painter to Margaret of Austria . He entered the service of Emperor Charles V , and accompanied him on his Conquest of Tunis 1535. In Vienna, there are his twelve great images that portray the aforementioned train in watercolors, and according to which as many carpets (now in Madrid and Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna). Other battle scenes can be found in the Mansi palace in Lucca ( battle of Pavia , capture of Rome, siege of Tunis) and in the castle of Coburg . But most of his pictures of churches, battles and cities have perished. Vermeyen died in Brussels in 1559. The Spaniards named him Juan de Mayo el Barbudo or Barbalonga because of his long beard.


Web links

Commons : Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files