Jacques Mallet-du-Pan

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Jacques Mallet du Pan (1749-1800)

Jacques Mallet-du-Pan (born November 5, 1749 in Céligny , † May 10, 1800 in Richmond ) was a French monarchist publicist , journalist and writer from the Geneva Republic . He is considered a pioneer of political journalism.


Jacques Mallet-du-Pan, son of a Protestant clergyman, was a professor of French literature in Kassel for a while. But he soon turned to London, Geneva and Paris, where he worked as a journalist. In 1788 he took over the editing of the political part of the Mercure de France . During the revolution, his paper took a pro-royal, constitutional stance. In May 1792 he went on behalf of Louis XVI. to Frankfurt to request the German princes to intervene in France.

After his journal was banned, he went to Bern , where he represented the moderate wing of the French emigration and attacked the Directory and Bonaparte . Therefore expelled from Bern in 1797, he went to London, where he founded the Mercure britannique . The vehement opponent of republican ideas is considered a pioneer of political journalism.


  • Du principe des factions en général, et de celles qui divisent la France. Paris 1791, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10422804-1 .
  • Considérations sur la nature de la Révolution de France, et sur les causes qui en prolongent la durée. London 1793 ( archive.org ).
  • Correspondance politique pour servir à l'histoire du républicanisme français. PF Fauche, Hamburg (in reality: Neuchâtel) 1796 ( archive.org ).
  • Mémoires et Correspondence de Mallet du Pan pour servire à l'Histoire de la Révolution française. Recueillis & mis en ordre par A. Sayous. 2 volumes. Amyot, J. Cherbuliez, Paris 1851.


  • Gaspard Vallette: Mallet-du-Pan et la Révolution française. In: Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève , Volume 25 (1893-1901), pp. 1-97.
  • François Descostes: La Révolution française vue de l'étranger 1789–1799: Mallet Du Pan à Berne et à Londres, d'après une correspondance inédite. A. Mame, Tours 1897.
  • Bernard Mallet: Mallet-du-Pan and the French revolution. Longmans Green & Co, London 1902.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Léonard Gallois: Histoire des journaux et des journalistes de la révolution française. Bureau de la Société de l'industrie fraternelle, Paris 1845.
  2. ^ Brian Rigby, answers.com
  3. Mallet-du-Pan . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 13, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1908, pp.  183-184 .
  4. Erich Pelzer: Revolution and Klio: The main works on the French Revolution. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2004, p. 17 f.