Jaromír Johanes

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Jaromír Johanes (born August 21, 1933 in Dobrá nad Sázavou ) is a former Czechoslovak diplomat and foreign minister.


Jaromír Johanes grew up in a working class family. He finished attending a grammar school in 1951; afterwards he studied for a few semesters at the University of Economics in Prague and continued his studies from 1952 to 1958 as one of the first Czechoslovak students at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO) in Moscow. He finished his studies at this elite school in 1958. In 1956 he became a member of the KPTsch . After graduating in Moscow, he worked as a press officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Prague. In 1964 Johanes was sent to London as an attaché . He worked for a short time as an advisor in the State Department, then Consul General in Sydney (1969–1971), Ambassador to Canada (1974–1976) and in the USA (1976–1982). He represented Czechoslovakia in the UN on various matters .

In February 1982 Jaromír Johanes was appointed deputy and then first deputy foreign minister, from October 12, 1988 to December 10, 1989 he was foreign minister. Shortly before his resignation after the Velvet Revolution of 1989, he proposed to the government to exchange ambassadors with the 21 most important international partners of his country. His successor in office, the former dissident Jiří Dienstbier , then radically continued the change in Czechoslovak foreign policy and in the change of the diplomatic corps.

In the communist party, Johanes held some intermediate-level functions. He was a lecturer of the Central Committee of the CPC and a member of the Central Committee's commission for foreign policy.

After 1989 Johanes continued to work in the Foreign Ministry. In 1991 he became ambassador to Turkey (until 1994), after which he retired from politics.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jaromír Johanes , short biography of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, online at: www.mzv.cz / ...
  2. a b Životopisy nových členů vlád , short profile in the party newspaper Rudé Právo on the day of his inauguration, October 13, 1988, page 3, digitized by Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR (Institute for Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences), online at: archive .ucl.cas.cz / ...