Jozef Moravčík

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Jozef Moravčík (born March 19, 1945 in Očová ) is a former Slovak politician . He was temporarily Prime Minister of Slovakia (March 16, 1994 - December 13, 1994) and Mayor of Bratislava (1998–2002).


Moravčík studied law at the Charles University in Prague and the Comenius University in Bratislava . Then he started teaching at Comenius University.

After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia, he ran for the Verejnosť proti násiliu (Public Against Violence, VPN) party in the 1990 elections to the Slovak National Council . In 1991 he switched to the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS), newly founded by Vladimír Mečiar . From July 2, 1992 to December 31 of the same year, he was the last Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia in the Jan Stráský government . From April 19, 1993 to April 14, 1994 he was Foreign Minister of Slovakia. After the government under Mečiar had been expressed suspicion - Moravčík had since left the HZDS like some of his colleagues - Moravčík was appointed by President Michal Kováč as chairman of a transitional government without HZDS. In the new elections in 1994 , which Mečiar won again, Moravčík moved to the National Council as chairman of the Democratická únia Slovenska party .