Jan Stráský government

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The last Czechoslovak government, Jan Stráský , led by Prime Minister Jan Stráský , was in office from July 2, 1992 to December 31, 1992. It followed the government of Marián Čalfa II . After January 1, 1993 there were no longer any joint governments, only the government of the two newly formed states, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic .

Government formation, program

The Jan Stráský government was formed after the Marián Čalfa II government announced its resignation on June 26, 1992, and continued its official business until July 2, 1992.

The Jan Stráský government was the last joint government of federal Czechoslovakia, after January 1, 1993, the governments of the Czech Republic (the first was the government of Václav Klaus I ) and the governments of the two newly formed states, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, were in office Slovak Republic (the first was the government of Vladimír Mečiar II ). Both the government of Václav Klaus I and Vladimír Mečiar II were in office before January 1, 1993 as governments of the republics of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (1990-1992). They were empowered by laws on the continuity of the republics to remain in office as the legal governments of the two newly created states.

The parties agreed to dissolve the common state at the end of the year and to let the two states become independent. As a result, the federation government that had been formed received only a limited mandate, individual ministries were no longer occupied independently or were dissolved over time, and the government gradually transferred its powers to the governments of the sub-republics. The dissolution of Czechoslovakia on December 31, 1992 was decided on November 25, 1992 by the Constitutional Law 542/1992 Coll.

Government composition

The ministers were in office throughout the regular term of office (July 2, 1992 to December 31, 1992) unless otherwise stated.

Party affiliation

The government established on July 2, 1992 consisted of 10 members from the following parties:

Governments of the constituent republics

In parallel to the government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the two sub-republics ( Czech Republic and Slovak Republic ) also had their own government:

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Od Pražského jara do Revoluce 1989 , on: www.vlada.cz/.../historie , website of the Government of the Czech Republic, History of the Office of the Government, Czech
  2. F. Čapka: Dějiny zemí Koruny české v datech , section 1992, online at: www.libri.cz/databaze/
  3. For the Government of the Czech Republic s. Ústava České republiky (Constitution of the Czech Republic) of January 1, 1993, there Art. 108, In: Constitutional Act 1/1993 Coll ., Online at: www.psp.cz/docs / ... ; for the Government of the Slovak Republic s. Ústava Slovenskej republiky (Constitution of the Slovak Republic), there Article 154 Paragraph 2, In: Constitutional Law 460/1992 Zb., Online at: sk.wikisource.org / ... , as well as s. for both also Ústavní zákon o zániku České a Slovenské Federativní Republiky 542/1992 Sb., there Article 5, online at: www.psp.cz / ...
  4. Ústavní zákon o zániku České a Slovenské Federativní Republiky 542/1992 Sb., Online at: www.psp.cz / ...
  5. Vláda Jana Stráského (July 2 to December 31, 1992) , website of the government of the Czech Republic, overview of the Jan Stráský government, online at: www.vlada.cz / ...

See also

Web links