Parliamentary election in Slovakia in 1990

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1946Parliamentary election in Slovakia in 19901992
Result (in%)
Distribution of seats
A total of 150 seats

The parliamentary elections in the Slovak part of Czechoslovakia in 1990 for the Slovak National Council within the Federal Assembly elections took place on Friday, June 8th and Saturday, June 9th, 1990. 150 parliamentary seats were available.

It was the first free elections after the Velvet Revolution and in the further period after 1946.

Electoral system

Voting was based on proportional representation and there was a 3% threshold . The legislative period lasted four years, but there were new elections as early as 1992 .

Participating parties

16 political parties and movements ran for election.


The turnout was immensely high at 95.39%. Almost every eligible voter cast their vote.

A total of around 3.6 million eligible voters were asked to cast their votes on June 8th and 9th, 1990.

Election result

Slovak National Council

Result of the parliamentary elections in Slovakia in 1990
Political party be right Seats
number %
Public Against Violence (VPN) 991.285 29.35 48
Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 648,782 19.21 31
Slovak National Party (SNS) 470,984 13.94 22nd
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) 450,855 13.35 22nd
Together - Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement (ESWMK) 292,636 8.66 14th
Democratic Party (DS) 148,567 4.40 7th
Party of the Greens (SZ) 117,871 3.49 6th
Alliance of Peasants and the Country (SPV) 85.060 2.52 -
Social Democracy (SD) 61,401 1.82 -
Party of Freedom (SSL) 60,041 1.78 -
Democratic Union of Roma in Slovakia (DÚRS) 24,797 0.73 -
Czechoslovak Understanding Movement (HČSP) 13,417 0.40 -
Democratic People's Party and Association for the Republic (VDSPR) 7,023 0.21 -
Free block (SB) 3,326 0.10 -
Czechoslovak Socialist Party (ČSS) 1.166 0.03 -
Czechoslovak Democratic Forum (ČSDF) 515 0.02 -
total 3,377,726 100.00 150
Valid votes 3,377,726 97.75
Invalid votes 77.905 2.25
voter turnout 3,455,631 95.39
Non-voters 167.019 4.61
Eligible voters 3,622,650 -
Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Federal Assembly (Slovak part)

People's Chamber
Political party percent Seats
VPN 32.54 19th
KDH 18.98 11
KSČS 13.81 8th
SNS 10.96 6th
ESWMK 8.58 5
Chamber of Nations
Political party percent Seats
VPN 37.28 33
KDH 16.66 14th
KSČS 13.43 12
SNS 11.44 9
ESWMK 8.49 7th


The elections ended with a clear victory for the anti-communist VPN (Slovak counterpart of the Czech Citizens' Forum (OF)). The KSČS, which had actually ruled a year earlier, only received around 13% of the votes.

After the elections, the first government of Vladimír Mečiar took office on June 27, 1990, with the coalition of VPN, KDH and DS (86 seats) and replaced the temporary government of Milan Číč . The SNS, the KSČS and living together went into opposition.

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Official result of the National Council election 1990 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (Slovak)
  2. a b Kronika Slovenska 2, Dušan Kováč et al., 1999, Fortuna Print, p. 513 and 514 (Slovak)