Jazz studio Nuremberg

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The Nuremberg Jazz Studio , founded in 1954, is a jazz club in Nuremberg . It is organized as a non-profit association that in 2013 had around 175 members. The Nuremberg Jazz Studio is considered the second oldest jazz club in Germany.

In the jazz cellar , which is located at Paniersplatz 27/29 in the vaults below the castle , concerts are currently held mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. With seventy events annually, all styles of jazz are covered, with each variety attracting its own audience. Since 1980, the association has also organized the Art of Jazz series in the Tafelhalle in cooperation with the Nürnberger Nachrichten . Since 2010, students at the Nuremberg University of Music have had the opportunity to present themselves every year at the Young Lions on Stage Festival .


After the era of National Socialism , when jazz was considered undesirable, “ degenerate music ”, jazz music met with great enthusiasm among many young people in Germany. Jazz enthusiasts founded a jazz club in Nuremberg as early as the late 1940s . He found his first home in the German Youth Activity Center (GYA) at Dutzendteich. On April 2, 1954 in the restaurant Augsburger Hof the jazz club Nuremberg , founded in 1955 as a Jazz Studio Nürnberg registered at the request of Walter Schaetzlein the association register.

A little earlier, in 1952, the "Jazz Club Synkope Nürnberg-Fürth" was founded and organized the first jazz evenings in Fürth. This resulted in the club band Canal Street Ramblers, later Castle Ramblers. Initially, the two clubs saw themselves as competitors. But when the Synkope had to leave its premises in 1958, most of the Synkope members entered the “jazz studio”.

In October 1954, renovation work began in today's Jazzkeller in the Burgviertel, and the cellar was opened in December 1954. Jazz musicians like Max Greger and Hazy Osterwald were soon giving concerts there . From 1957 onwards, Joachim Ernst Berendt , Albert Nicholas , the Wolfgang Lauth Quartet, the Two Beat Stompers and Albert Mangelsdorff's ensemble appeared in the “Jazztime” series . International artists such as Count Basie , Chet Baker , Chico Freeman , Tomasz Stańko , Tim Berne and Marty Ehrlich soon came .

In the 1970s, Jazz East-West was a biennial series of events that brought jazz musicians from East and West together across the Iron Curtain . Since 1986, the Jazztime Nürnberg program has been broadcast twice a week on local radio with its own broadcasting license, currently (2014) one program per week.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Reinhard Köchl / Martin Laurentius, The Art of Spagat: The Jazzthing Venue Report . Jazzthing 4/5 2013, pp. 42–46
  2. Günther Pächter in: Forty Years of Jazz Studio Nuremberg, "A Hole as a Gate to the World", Nuremberg 1994
  3. Thomas Gerlach in: Forty Years of Jazz Studio Nuremberg, "A Hole as a Gate to the World", Nuremberg 1994

Web links

Coordinates: 49 ° 27 '29.6 "  N , 11 ° 4' 49.3"  E