Jean-Alexandre Vaillant

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Jean Alexandre Vaillant (* 1804 , † 21st March 1886 in Paris ) was a French-Romanian politician, historian, linguist , Rumänist , translator and lexicographer.

life and work

Vaillant came to Romania as a private teacher in 1829 and was Professor of French at the Sava College (Colegiul "Sfântul Sava") in Bucharest from 1832 to 1835 , the forerunner to the University of Bucharest, founded in 1864 . Because of his revolutionary political commitment, he was expelled from the country in 1841 and went to Paris.

There he remained pro-Romanian , including through publications in the Revue de l'Orient , and published a history of Romania under the hitherto little-used title “La Romanie” (today: La Roumanie ). Even in the subtitle he called Romanian a "golden language" (langue d'or).

After staying in Bucharest for several months in 1862, he was granted Romanian citizenship in 1864 and a state salary was suspended.

Vaillant published the first bilingual dictionary of French with Romanian in 1839.


  • Grammaire valaque à l'usage des Français , Bucharest 1836
    • Grammaire roumâne à l'usage des Français , Bucharest 1940
    • Grammaire roumaine , Paris 1861
  • Vocabulary purteret frantozesku'-rumânesk și rumânesku'-frantozesk urmat de un mik vocabulary de omonime, Bucharest 1839 (190 + 11 pages)
  • Vocabulaire roumain-français et français-roumain , Bucharest 1840 (180 + 190 pages)
  • La Romanie, ou Histoire, langue, littérature, orographie, statistique des peuples de la langue d'or, Ardialiens, Vallaques et Moldaves, résumés sur le nom de Romans , 1844 (404 pages)
  • (Translator and editor) P oésies de la langue d'or , Paris 1851
  • Islam of the sultan devant l'orthodoxie des tczars , Paris 1855
  • L'Empire, c'est la paix , Montmartre 1856
  • Les Rômes, histoire vraie des vrais Bohémiens , Paris 1857, Pantin 1979 (510 pages)
  • (Translator) Cezar Bolliac , Poésies traduites du roumain en prose et en vers français , Paris 1857
  • G rammaire, dialogues et vocabulaire de la langue rommane des Sigans, pour faire suite à l'Histoire vraie des vrais bohémiens , Paris 1861, 1868
  • Clef magique de la fiction et du fait. Introduction à la science nouvelle , Geneva / Paris 1861


  • Ștefan Gencărău, Oana-Aurelia Gencărău: JA Vaillant. The dictionary as "translation" of the world . In: Studii de știință și cultură 4, June 2008, pp. 19-25
  • Paul Miron: 189. Romanian Lexicography , in: Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography. Second part of volume , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann, Oskar Reichmann, Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta, Berlin. New York 1990, p. 1883
  • Cristiana Oghina-Pavie, Gh. Plato: Jean Alexandre Vaillant (1804–1886) si recunostinta posteritatii romanesti . In: Volum omagial Stefan Stefanescu . Bucharest 1999, pp. 723-730
  • Şerban Papacostea: Vaillant, Jean Alexandre . In: Biographical Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe . Volume 4. Munich 1981, p. 379 f.
  • Jean-Claude Polet (ed.): Patrimoine littéraire européen. Index Général . Brussels 2000 sv