Jean-Charles Cavaillé

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Jean-Charles Cavaillé (born December 17, 1930 in Dellys , Algeria , † October 12, 2012 in Noyal-Pontivy , France ) was a French politician . From 1978 to 2002 he was a member of the National Assembly .

Cavaillé grew up in Algeria and studied law there at the University of Algiers . After the end of the Algerian War , he went to his native France in 1962. In Noyal-Pontivy, where he had settled, he applied for the office of mayor in 1971 and was elected without having previously been a member of the municipal council or having held any other office. In 1976 he was also elected to the General Council of the Morbihan department . This was followed in 1978 by a candidacy in the third constituency of the Morbihan department, where he succeeded in entering the National Assembly for the conservative Rassemblement pour la République . In 1981, he also moved into the Regional Council of the Region Bretagne one. He was re-elected as a Member of Parliament in 1981, 1986, 1988, 1993 and 1997. In 1998 he was elected President of the General Council of Morbihan. With the abandonment of this office, Cavaillé withdrew from politics in 2004. He died of heart failure in October 2012.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ M. Jean-Charles Cavaillé ,
  2. Necrology. Jean-Charles Cavaillé ,