Jean-Jacques Meynier

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Jean-Jacques Meynier (born August 26, 1710 in Offenbach am Main , † October 9, 1783 in Erlangen ) was a German Huguenot descendant , university lecturer, grammarian and Romance scholar .

life and work

In 1738 Meynier became cantor of the French Reformed community in Erlangen . At the University of Erlangen , which was founded in 1743, he was a lecturer in French from the beginning until his death. In 1746 he commented on the Port-Royal grammar that had been donated to the university by Chancellor Daniel de Superville and edited the grammar of Robert Jean Des Pepliers , which was widely used at the time . The Nouvelle Biographie générale by Ferdinand Hoefer dedicated an article to him (vol. 35, 1861, col. 291-292).

Jean-Jacques Meynier was the father of Johann Heinrich Meynier .


  • L'illusion combattue , Erlangen 1741
  • (Ed.) Grammaire Générale Et Raisonnée . Ouvrage de L'Invention Du Grand Arnaud, Et De La Composition De Dom Cl. Lancelot. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et augmentée d'un grand nombre de remarques très utiles et curieuses, Erlangen 1746
  • Recueil-curieux de plusieurs pièces intéressantes, tant politiques, qu'écléssiastiques, literaires et poëtiques, Erlangen 1746
  • Discours académiques sur les grammaires françaises , Erlangen 1763
  • La grammaire française réduite à ses vrais principes, ouvrage raisonné = The French grammar based on its true grounds, divided into two parts, a theoretical and practical, all based on the outline of the grammar of Herr Des Pepliers, recently published, Erlangen 1767 (Theoretischer Part still in 1781, 1797; practical part still in 1776, 1783, 1798)
  • Etymological tables of the French language with small tasks for the application and practice of the etymological and many syntactic rules for beginners, especially in schools and high schools, in order to acquire a thorough knowledge of the main rules of the French language in a short time; Everything according to the basic rules of my grammarians and other grammatical writings, Nuremberg 1775
  • Increased German-French conversations with grammatical notes; then ingenious ideas, how also commercial and other letters have to be arranged and addressed according to the newest kind, Nuremberg 1778


  • Georg Wolfgang Augustin Fikenscher, Complete academic history of scholars from the Royal Prussian Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen. 3rd department , Nuremberg 1806
  • Franz Josef Hausmann , dictionaries and grammars by Erlanger Huguenots, in: Huguenot culture in Germany , ed. by Jürgen Eschmann, Tübingen 1989, pp. 37–52
  • Corina Petersilka, The Grammaire française by Jean Jacques Meynier from Erlangen. An 18th century Huguenot French grammar. In: Seitenblicke auf die Sprachgeschichte , ed. by Barbara Schäfer-Prieß and Roger Schöntag, Tübingen 2018, pp. 143–166

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