Johann Heinrich Meynier

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Johann Heinrich Meynier (born January 28, 1764 in Erlangen ; † May 22, 1825 there ) was a German university lecturer, pedagogue, youth writer, Romance philologist and lexicographer.

Names and pseudonyms

In his extensive journalistic work, Meynier appears by spelling his name differently as well as using numerous pseudonyms:

Spelling of his name

  • Meynier, Jean-Henri
  • Meynier, Joh. Heinrich
  • Meynier, JH
  • Meynier, IH


  • Sanguin, Johann H.
  • Sanguin, Johann Heinrich
  • Sanguin, JF
  • Sanguin, Johann Friedrich
  • Renner, Carl Ludwig
  • Renner, Karl Ludwig
  • Jerrer, Georg Ludwig
  • Jerrer, GL
  • Jerrer, GC
  • Jerrer, L.
  • Iselin, LK
  • Iselin, CK
  • Sanguine
  • Joyful, Julius
  • Sternau, Felix
  • André, KH
  • Bscherer, MW Gottschalk
  • Selchow, Felix
  • Selchow, Friedrich
  • Selchow, JH His became important

life and work

Meynier comes from a Huguenot family and was the son of Jean-Jacques Meynier . From 1788 until his death he was a French lecturer at the University of Erlangen (from 1797 also a drawing teacher). Meynier published numerous texts under various pseudonyms (including many pedagogically oriented writings for young people). He obtained his doctorate in 1811. phil.

Meynier's language teaching method was based entirely on the practical French grammar of Johann Valentin Meidinger , which he worked on (and which was applied to English by his Erlangen colleague Johann Christian Fick ), as well as on the Orbis sensualium pictus by Johann Amos Comenius , which he wrote for his time transmitted.

His bilingual dictionary French-German, German-French from 1800 to 1802, in which, under pressure from the publisher Johann Jakob Palm, he addressed the needs of both school lessons and professional life (specialist vocabulary) is original. The Franco-German part used a manuscript by the Schwabach city ​​school rector Johann Friedrich Memmert (1763–1835), the German-French part was based on Christian Friedrich Schwan's dictionary .

In his dictionary of foreign words from 1821, Meynier always endorsed the foreign word when he considered the German word proposed in the discussion at the time to be inferior (because it was incomprehensible, ambiguous or ridiculous): Cardinal vs Rothütler , trumpet vs Heerschnetter , Kloster vs Frommsiedel , Pedell vs Vorfüßler . He knew he was in agreement with Carl Wilhelm Kolbe , who was also a Huguenot descendant. The naturalization of the nobler - be it word, be it Huguenot - is an honor for the Germans.

Works (selection)

  • Franco-German and Teutsch-French Concise Dictionary , 2 vol., Erlangen 1800–1802 (Part 2 is entitled: Dictionnaire allemand-françois à l'usage des écoles et de l'état bourgeois contenant généralement tous les mots françois et allemands dont on peut avoir besoin pour la lecture des auteurs = German-French concise dictionary for schools and the middle class)
  • New Orbis Pictus in German and French . A tool to teach children a lot of useful knowledge, to arouse the desire to learn the French language in them and to develop the ability to speak, Nuremberg 1812, 1818, 1822 (Swedish Stockholm 1824)
  • General action correspondent in German and French , Coburg / Leipzig 1815
  • New conversation and newspaper lexicon for all stands . Contains a correct Germanization of those foreign words and types of speech which occur in the conversation in the newspapers and books with an indication of their pronunciation and emphasis. For non-profit use, especially for businessmen, merchants and lovers of literature, Nuremberg 1821
  • How should a virgin educate herself worthily ?, Nuremberg 1822; Theorems about the determination and ennobling of the female sex or how should a virgin form herself worthy ?, Vienna 1826


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. dnb portal