Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond

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Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond (2013)

Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond (* 1940 ) is a French theoretical physicist.

Levy-Leblond attended the Lycée Janson de Sailly high school , studied at the École normal supérieure (ENS) and received his doctorate in 1965 at the University of Paris-Süd in Orsay . He was Chargé de Recherche of the CNRS , Maître de conférences at the University of Nice , Professor at the University of Paris VII Denis Diderot and from 1980 again Professor at the University of Nice, where he retired in 2001.

In addition to theoretical physics, he also taught philosophy (and gave courses on physics for humanities scholars) and, after his retirement, was program director at the Collège international de philosophie in Paris from 2001 to 2006 .

He dealt with fundamental physical symmetries, structure of quantum theory and space-time (under group theoretical aspects).

He published popular science articles and essays and books critical of science and is the founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Alliage (culture, science, technique) (from 1989). He edited the Science ouvert series and other book series at the Seuil publishing house .

He translated books by the US physicist Richard Feynman into French.


  • with Henri Bacry : Possible Kinematics , J. Math. Phys., Volume 9, 1969, p. 1605
  • with Francois Balibar: Quantique , Volume 1, Masson / CNRS 1984
  • La physique en questions. 2 volumes, Vuibert (exercises)
  • L'esprit de sel (science, culture, politique). Seuil 1984
  • Aux contraires (l'exercise de la pensée et la pratique de la science). Gallimard 1996
  • La pierre de touche (la science à l'epreuve). Gallimard 1996
  • Impasciences. Bayard 2000, Seuil 2003
  • La science en mal de culture. Futuribles 2004
  • La science (n´) e (s) t (pas) l´art. Hermann 2010
  • Mettre la science en culture. ANAIS 1986
  • Editor with others: (Auto) critique de la science. Seuil 1973
  • Of matter relativistic, quantum-theoretical and interaction-theoretical. Merve, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-88396-310-5 .
  • The misery of physics. About the production method of the natural sciences. Merve, Berlin 1975

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