Jean-Pierre Lesguillon

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Jean-Pierre Lesguillon (born February 13, 1799 in Orléans , † January 22, 1873 in Paris ) was a French poet , novelist, playwright and librettist .

life and work

Jean-Pierre Lesguillon first appeared in 1824 with an Épître à Lemercier and had the comedy Les nouveaux adelphes performed at the Odeón Theater the following year . At the same time he applied for academic prizes in the province and was a collaborator and founder of various journals such as Album national , Le Conteur , La Revue des théâtres , La Verité and L'Almanach des Muses . He wrote a number of song plays and then returned to the more serious comedy and drama . The result:

  • Le cachemire , comedy, 1827
  • La cachette , 1830
  • Mephistophèles , Play in Verses, 1829 ( banned by censors before the first performance , but played three years later)
  • La fiancée du proscrit , play, 1834
  • Le jeton de Frascati , play, 1836
  • Nanon, Ninon et Maintenon ou les trois boudoirs , three-act comedy, 1839 (written together with Emmanuel Théaulon and Achille d'Artois )
  • Les prétendants , comedy in verse, 1842
  • Le dernier figaro ou cinq journées d'un siècle , comedy in prose, 1848
  • Le protégé de Molière , 1848 (co-authored with Saint-Yves)
  • Figaro en prison , 1850 (co-authored with L. Monrose)
  • Les deux lièvres , one-act comedy, 1862
  • Washington , historic drama, 1866
  • Les amis de César , Roman comedy, 1866

As a novelist, Lesguillon went public with Marie Touchet (1833) and Albéric ou la comédie de cinque ans (2 vols., 1839). He also cultivated the field of poetry, in which he achieved great fame, particularly as a wandering minstrel . Were on poems called: La colonne (1830), Émotions (1833), Napoléon au camp de Boulogne (1847), Poème , which was awarded a prize, and Le télescope (1852), which at the flowers games of Toulouse carried off the prize. A collection of hymns of praise in honor of Napoleon III. contains: La poésie à Napoléon III. (1852), the lyric poem La musique (1856) and Un songe dans l'Attique (1857). He published his crowned poetry as Couronnes académiques (Paris 1861).

Some of Lesguillon's prosaic essays are:

  • La camaraderie dans les lettres, les sciences et les arts , Paris 1853
  • Les devoirs de l'homme de lettres , Paris 1854 (awarded first prize by a departmental academy)
  • Épître à M. le Lieutenant-colonel Staaf sur la poésie contemporaine , Paris 1868

Lesguillon had been with Hermance , b. Jeanne Michelle Armande Sandrin (1812-1882) married, who also edited several poetry collections and novels. He died on January 22, 1873 at the age of almost 74 in Paris and was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery. A collection of his stage pieces was published under the title Théâtre de Lesguillon, précédé d'une notice bibliographique (3 vols., Paris 1879/80).
