Jean-Yves Calvez

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Jean-Yves Calvez SJ (born February 3, 1927 in Saint-Brieuc , Côtes-d'Armor , † January 11, 2010 in Paris ) was a French Jesuit and social philosopher .


Jean-Yves Calvez joined the Society of Jesus at the age of 16 . After his theological training, he studied at the Institute for Political Studies and at the Institute for International Law in Paris. From 1953 he taught social sciences at the Jesuit school in Chantilly . He was ordained a priest on July 31, 1957.

Calvez was involved in the social doctrine of the Church and became a well-known social philosopher. He was professor of philosophy and social sciences at the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy in Chantilly, director of the People's Action Center (later CERAS) and in 1962 he participated in the establishment of the socio-economic study center INADES - Institut Africain pour le Développement Economique et social in Abidjan in Africa. He was committed to the liberation theologians in Latin America.

In 1967 he became Provincial of the French Jesuits and responsible for the union of the four Jesuit provinces of France. In 1971 he became assistant in Rome, later assistant general of the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, Pedro Arrupe .

From 1984 to 1989 he was director of CERAS - Creating Center de Recherche et d'action sociales and from 1989 to 1995 editor-in-chief of the Jesuit magazine "Études", for which he had already worked since 1967. From 2002 to 2006 he was professor at the Department of Public Ethics at the Jesuit Center Sèvres , at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris, as well as at the Institut Catholique de Paris and at Georgetown University in Washington.


  • Karl Marx - presentation and criticism of his thinking , Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, Walter Verlag, Olten and Freiburg im Breisgau, 1964 (translation of La Pensée de Karl Marx (1956) by Theodor Sapper )
  • with Philippe Lécrivain : Comprendre le catholicisme , Eyrolles 2008, ISBN 978-2212541304
  • Chrétiens penseurs du social , Les éditions du Cerf 2008, ISBN 978-2204087384
  • Traversées jésuites: Mémoires de France, de Rome, du monde 1958-1988 , Les éditions du Cerf 2009, ISBN 978-2204088305
  • Le père Henri Chambre jésuite (1908-1994): Résistant, savant, spirituel , Médiasèvres 2009, ISBN 978-2900388969

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