Paul Riewald

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Paul Riewald (born July 30, 1888 in Greifswald , † 1915 in France ) was a German classical philologist .


Paul Riewald attended grammar school in Greifswald from 1898. In the spring of 1900 he moved with his family to Przemyśl , where he attended high school until Easter 1907. After graduating, Riewald studied Classical Philology at the University of Freiburg , but after a semester he switched to the Berlin University . Here he attended events with Hermann Diels , Rudolf Helm , Otto Hirschfeld , Eduard Norden , Georg Wentzel and Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff .

In the summer semester of 1909, Riewald moved to the University of Halle . Here he was a member of the philological seminar under Otto Kern , Karl Praechter and Georg Wissowa , which he particularly followed. The religious scholar Wissowa also encouraged Riewald to write his dissertation on the equation and comparison of Roman emperors with gods. After the final exam on November 9, 1911 Riewald in 1912 with a thesis De imperatorum Romanorum cum certis dis et comparatione et aequatione doctorate .

Wissowa mediated Riewald as a collaborator for the Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity , whose new edition was operated by Wilhelm Kroll since 1906 . Riewald wrote the article Sacerdotes , which appeared in the second half of the second series (R – Z) in 1920 (IA, 2, Sp. 1631–1653).

When the First World War broke out , Riewald volunteered like his fellow student Hans Herzfeld . Riewald fell in France in 1915.

Fonts (selection)

  • De imperatorum Romanorum cum certis dis et comparatione et aequatione , Halle 1912 (with vita).


  • Georg Wissowa: Obituary for Franz Richter . In: Hundert Jahre: A. Marcus and E. Webers Verlag, 1818–1918 , Bonn 1919, p. 59f.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Herzfeld, Willy Real: From the life memories , Berlin / New York 1992, p. 110.