Jean Prosper Theodorus Deroy

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Jean Prosper Theodorus Deroy (born February 7, 1913 in Vlissingen , † July 8, 1981 in Carcassonne ) was a Dutch-Belgian Romanist and Medievalist .


Deroy studied theology, French and Italian in Amsterdam, Warmond (seminary) and Paris. In 1963 he received his doctorate with Christine Mohrmann at Radboud University Nijmegen with the thesis Bernardus en Origenes. Enkele opmerkingen over de invloed van Origenes op Sint Bernardus Sermones super Cantica Canticorum (Haarlem 1963) and was lecturer (lecturer) for French and Occitan literature of the Middle Ages from 1967 .

From 1980 until his death in 1981 he was full professor of French and Occitan of the Middle Ages at the University of Utrecht . His private library went to the Benedictine Abbey of St. Andrew in Bruges .


  • (Translator) Marie-Michel Labourdette: De erfzonde en de oorsprong van de mens , Voorhout 1956
  • (Translator) Girolamo M. Moretti: Holy beoordeeld naar hun manuscript , Haarlem 1959
  • François Villon . Recherches sur “Le testament” , The Hague 1967
  • François Villon. Coquillard et auteur dramatique , Paris 1977

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