Jean Vallière

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Jean Vallière (* around 1483 in Falaise ; † August 8, 1523 in Paris ) was an Augustinian monk and the first Protestant martyr in France.


Jean Vallière was initially an Augustinian monk. In Meaux he met the reformer Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples , a follower of the teachings of Martin Luther . What exactly he believed, said or done is no longer recorded. But he was in 1523 because of blasphemous speeches and "Lutheran heresy " by the Inquisition tried, convicted by the court and as a heretic before the Notre Dame Cathedral burned . Before that, his tongue was torn out. He was the first martyr of the then emerging Huguenots , as the Protestants of France were called.

The day of remembrance in the Protestant calendar of names is August 8, the day of his death.


M. Mousseaux: Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français (1903-2015) , Vol. 108, 1962, pp. 18-21

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  2. -france-a-etre-brule-08-08-2019-2328885_494.php