Jean Wacquet

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Jean Wacquet (born May 13, 1968 in Boulogne-sur-Mer ) is a French author, editor and publisher of comic literature.

Wacquet's first works appeared in various fanzines as early as 1981 . Sortez la chienne , Sniffin´ Rock, Rubrica , Numéro and others printed his articles. At a young age he also worked as a journalist and as a copywriter for background literature such as Les Cahiers de la bande dessinée and L'année de la BD as well as Scarce and Mangazone .

In 1987, Jean Wacquet founded Dangereuses Visions , a mail order company for comics in Lille , which developed into the main importer of comics from the USA. As a result, he also organized the first comic festival for American comics Festival de la Band Dessinee Anglo-Saxonne in Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille. At the same time he was also writing to Carnivores while Eric Herenguel contributed the drawings. From 1996 to 2001 Wacquet was responsible for series such as Preacher , Sandman and Strangers in Paradise at the Le Téméraire publishing house .

In 1999, Jean Wacquet was involved as a screenwriter on the cartoon The Watcher . He has been with Editions Soleil since 2001 .

With Dirk Schulz as a draftsman, he developed the two-volume work Celtis between 2002 and 2004 .

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