Jelle van der Meulen

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Jelle van der Meulen (born November 1950 ) is a Dutch anthroposophical author .


Jelle van der Meulen was born in November 1950 in the Netherlands as the son of a trade union official. As a teenager he took every opportunity to study anthroposophical works. He is the father of four children. For twelve years he worked for the Dutch anthroposophical journal Jonas , most recently as editor-in-chief. He also worked as a lecturer, publicist and editor for the Dutch Rudolf Steiner Edition. At the same time, Jelle van der Meulen was also editor-in-chief of the Dutch magazine for members of the General Anthroposophical Society Motief .

Van der Meulen published the posthumous book On the Salvation of the Soul by Bernard Lievegoed . Van der Meulen held lectures on her for a number of years, starting on the Greek island of Santorini . (A translation of the original lectures on the island of Santorini into High German was carried out by Wolfgang Garvelmann ; however, these lectures are not available in bookshops). From this and related activities, the Elias Initiativgemeinschaft eV, Flensburg, a co-founder of Jelle van der Meulen, grew .

This was followed by social work in the slums of Lima / Peru . There Jelle van der Meulen became an employee of the Aynimundo initiative . He has lived in Cologne as a journalist and freelance consultant since 2000 . There he was (together with Michael Schmock ) a co-founder of the company for anthroposophy and is currently lecturer and director of the Waldorf educator seminar in Cologne.


  • Through the eye of the needle . Bernard Lievegoed in an interview with Jelle van der Meulen, Vlg. Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 1992
  • (as editor): Bernard Lievegoed , On the salvation of the soul . The interaction of three great leaders of humanity. Free Spiritual Life, Stuttgart 1993
  • Bernard Lievegoed's appeal . In search of the roots of anthroposophy and its future. Jelle van der Meulen on Bernard Lievegoed , Santorini May 1994 (from the Dutch by Wolfgang Garvelmann ), manuscript print 1995
  • Right in the middle - anthroposophy here and now , Urachhaus Vlg., Stuttgart 1997
  • And so on - Anthroposophy as the path to the Grail , Urachhaus Vlg., Stuttgart 1998
  • (with other authors): Without your wound - where would your strength go? A work book of the ELIAS initiative group, Malpertius Editions, NL-Spijkenisse 2005
  • Herzwerk - About the lie, the abyss and love , Urachhaus Vlg., Stuttgart 2006
  • Poverty as fate . On poverty in Peru and the need in Europe, Urachhaus Vlg., Stuttgart 2007
  • The call of friendship. On the way to a culture of the heart , Info3-Vlg., Frankfurt a. M. 2016

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