Jenny Greenteeth

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Jenny Greenteeth (German: Jenny Grünzahn ) is a character from English folklore. She is a kind of river witch , similar to the figure of Peg Powler ; it is said to drag children and the elderly into the water and drown them. She is often described as having green skin, long hair, and pointed teeth. In Lancashire she is called Jinny Greenteeth , in Cheshire and Shropshire Ginny Greenteeth , Wicked Jenny or Peg o 'Nell .

It may have been conceived as a child scare figure to keep them out of dangerous waters, similar to the Rusálka in Slavic countries, the Kappa in Japanese mythology or the Australian Bunyip . Other folklorists see them as a reminder of religious sacrificial rites.




  1. ^ Carole B. Silver, Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness , p 155-6 ISBN 0-19-512199-6