Jens-Uwe Meyer

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Jens-Uwe Meyer (born May 17, 1966 in Hamburg ) is a non-fiction author on the subjects of creativity , innovation , digitization and strategy , former chief reporter for Pro Sieben and program director of Antenne Thuringia and managing director of Innolytics GmbH.


Jens-Uwe Meyer began his professional career in 1982 as a police officer in Hamburg. Among other things, he was employed at the Hamburg Davidwache and in the drug search. In 1990 he left the police. He was part of the start team of the private radio station Antenne Niedersachsen , where he hosted the first show after it started broadcasting in 1990. Jens-Uwe Meyer moderated the station's early broadcast until 1992. In 1992 he switched to the US international broadcaster Voice of America , where he reported on the Bush-Clinton election campaign .

In 1994 he became a correspondent for Pro Sieben. As the studio director of Jerusalem , he reported from the Middle East, including on the Israeli military action The Fruits of Anger , the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the clashes in northern Iraq . In 1997 he became studio manager of Pro Sieben in Washington, where he reported on the Lewinsky affair and the crash of Swissair flight 111 , among other things . A year later he became the chief reporter for Pro Sieben. For the station he reported from a total of 25 countries.

From 1999 to 2003 Jens-Uwe Meyer was managing director of the TV production company TV Süd. In 2003 he became editor-in-chief of MDR Jump , and one year later program director of Antenne Thuringia .

In 1999 Jens-Uwe Meyer began to develop teaching programs to increase the creativity of journalists. Institutions such as the German Radio Academy , the ARD.ZDF medienakademie and the media training center in Lucerne included the training concepts in their programs. In 2006 Jens-Uwe Meyer founded the company "Die ideologues", which develops ideas for large German companies. He is also the managing director of Innolytics, which was merged with "The Ideaologists".

In 2008 he published the book The Edison Principle , in which he describes several theses on the systematic development of ideas, based on the working methods, methods and approaches of the inventor Thomas Alva Edison .

In 2010 he carried out a study on the success factors of highly innovative companies, from which the book Creative Despite a Tie emerged. In 2011, he interviewed almost 200 innovation managers in German companies about innovation culture . The results were published in Harvard Business Manager and the study Success Factor Innovation Culture. In 2014 Meyer defended his dissertation on increasing the innovative capacity of companies. On the basis of his scientific work, Innolytics developed innovation management software for companies.

In 2016 he published the book Digital Disruption . According to Meyer, digitization is still at the beginning and will only be completed in ten years. In 2019 he published the book Digital Winners , which deals with the implementation of digitization in companies.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Jens-Uwe Meyer kressköpfe - Detail: Retrieved July 21, 2017 .
  2. a b c d Brief portrait: Jens-Uwe Meyer - Harvard Business Manager . In: Harvard Business Manager . ( [accessed on July 21, 2017]).
  3. a b SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg Germany: The future of work: Will I be digitized away soon? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Career SPIEGEL. Retrieved August 30, 2017 .
  4. Profile . In: Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer . ( [accessed on August 30, 2017]).
  5. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg Germany: Five steps to your dream job: How to promote yourself - SPIEGEL ONLINE - KarriereSPIEGEL. Retrieved August 30, 2017 .
  6. Jens-Uwe Meyer, The Ideaologists: Co-Creation, Innovation Workshops, Innovation Management :: The Ideaologists. Retrieved August 30, 2017 .
  7. Jens-Uwe Meyer: The Edison Principle - What teaching can learn from the most successful inventor of all time. (PDF; 1.6 MB) Article. In: Creativity: Coincidence or Hard Work? - Contributions to the promotion of talented students and talent research. Christine Koop (Ed.), Olaf Steenbuck (Ed.), Karg Foundation, Frankfurt, 2011, pp. 41–44 , accessed on January 8, 2017 .
  9. Südwest Presse Online-Dienst GmbH: Will digitization cost jobs? In: . ( [accessed on August 30, 2017]).