Jens Marklof

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Professor Jens Marklof FRS.jpg

Jens Marklof (* around 1971 ) is a German physicist and mathematician who deals with quantum chaos , dynamic systems and number theory.


Marklof studied after graduating from high school in 1989 in Springe physics at the University of Hamburg , where he received his diploma in 1994 ( Arithmetic chaos in three-dimensional hyperbolic space ). In 1997 he received his doctorate from Ulm University ( Limit theorem for theta sums with applications to quantum mechanics ), for which he received a university award. As a post-doc he was at the Hewlett Packard Institute in Bristol, the Isaac Newton Institute , IHÉS and Orsay. Since 1998 he has been a lecturer at the University of Bristol , since 2002 reader and from 2005 professor of mathematical physics.

Marklof deals with quantum chaos with connections to number theory. For example, by solving special cases, he found support for the conjecture by Michael Berry and Tabor (1977) that the distribution of the energy levels of the quantum versions of classic, precisely integrable dynamic systems follows Poisson statistics. With Andreas Strömbergsson, he investigated the Lorentz gas model (after Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 1905) of classical electrons in crystals (viewed as non-interacting point particles that scatter on the lattice ions according to simple collision laws). While the case of the random arrangement of the lattice scattering centers was already known ( Giovanni Gallavotti , Herbert Spohn , Sinai , Leonid Bunimovich and others) - there the linear Boltzmann equation applies - Marklof and Strömbergsson examined periodic arrangements of the scattering centers for vanishing radii of the scatterers (Boltzmann degree Limit value), which in the derived transport equations differ significantly from the disordered case. The distribution of the paths of the scattered particles is described by Markov processes .

In 2009, Marklof received the Royal Society's Wolfson Research Merit Award and in 2010 the Whitehead Prize . In 2009 he was plenary speaker at the International Congress on Mathematical Physics in Prague (Kinetic transport in crystals). In 2014 he was invited speaker at the ICM in Seoul ( The low-density limit of the Lorentz gas: periodic, aperiodic and random ). In 2015 he was elected to the Royal Society .


  • Energy level statistics, lattice point problems and almost modular functions. In: Cartier, Julia, Moussa, Vanhove (Eds.): Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry. Les Houches Lectures 2003, Volume 1, Springer Verlag 2006, pp. 163-181.

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Individual evidence

  1. Published by Shaker Verlag, Aachen 1997.
  2. ^ Level spacing statistics and integrable dynamics. Proc. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Physics, London 2000.
  3. In two dimensions, Bunimovich and Sinai 1980 ( Comm. Math. Phys. , Volume 78, 1980/81, p. 479) showed for the periodic Lorentz gas that stochastic behavior occurs for long periods (the solution satisfies the heat conduction equation). The Lorentz gas serves as a model system of chaotic diffusion.
  4. ^ J. Marklof, A. Strömbergsson: Kinetic transport in the two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas . In: Nonlinearity , Volume 21, 2008, pp. 1413-1422. Periodic Lorentz gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit. arxiv : 1008.3811 - Preprint 2010.