Jens Witte

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Jens Witte (born February 11, 1941 in Perleberg ; † June 12, 2003 ) was a German surgeon. He was president of the professional association of German surgeons.


Surgeon's household born in Perleberg. He spent his school days in Hamburg. After graduating from high school, he served in the German Navy . He then studied human medicine from 1961 to 1968 at the Saarland University , the University of Hamburg and the Free University of Berlin . In 1968 he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. He was a medical assistant in Bielefeld, Hamburg and Tanzania for two years . From 1970 he completed his surgical and scientific training with Georg Heberer at the University Hospital Cologne and the University Hospital Munich . He has been a specialist in surgery since 1976, and in 1978 he specialized in visceral surgery and vascular surgery . He completed his habilitation in 1979 and received the Venia legendi . The University of Cologne appointed him an associate professor in 1982 . In 1985 he was elected director of the clinic for general and visceral surgery at the Augsburg Clinic.

Witte has been involved in the professional association of German surgeons since 1975 . In 1986 he was commissioned to set up the academy for advanced surgical training and practical training. In 1987 he became director and 1994 vice-president of the academy. In the Presidium since 1987, he was elected President of the BDC in 1998 to succeed Karl Hempel and was appointed to the Presidium of the German Society for Surgery . As chairman of the joint advanced training commission of the BDC and the DGCh, Witte developed advanced medical training supported by all surgical specialist societies . In quality assurance he tried to introduce modern teaching and learning methods for continuous training (CME) and professional development (CPD). In 1998, with Karl Hempel and Jürgen Bauch, he succeeded in securing the early move into the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin for the surgical specialist societies and the BDC . In April 2003 it was returned to its rightful owners, the German Society for Surgery and the Berlin Medical Society .

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Witte was committed to the integration of colleagues in the new federal states . He recognized early on that the new remuneration system in the healthcare system was inevitable due to the diagnosis-related case groups (DRG). As a co-founder of the joint DRG commission, he campaigned for proper implementation and for the training of surgeons in this area. Internationally, he gained a high reputation in the surgery section of the Brussels-based European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). From 1993 he was secretary, from 2002 president of the section. Witte was 62 years old.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Obituary BDC
  2. Dissertation: Statistical investigations on symptom connections in the cyclothyma and schizophrenic types of endogenous psychoses .
  4. Habilitation thesis: Endotoxinemia and hyperdynamic septic shock: Pathobiochemistry of selected coagulation and other plasma protein parameters .