Evdokija Andreevna Nikulina

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Evdokiya Andreyevna Nikulina (called Dina Nikulina; Russian Евдокия Андреевна Никулина ; born November 8 . Jul / 21 November  1917 greg. In Parfjonowo , Kaluga oblast ; † 23. March 1993 in Rostov-on-Don ) was a Soviet commercial pilot and Parteifunktionärin .

Dina Nikulina was a commercial pilot in Smolensk when she signed up for military service during World War II . She became the squadron captain of the women-only night witches , who flew combat missions at night with simple Polikarpow Po-2 biplanes .

Nikulina flew 774 sorties and was named Hero of the Soviet Union . She returned from military service as a major and became a party functionary in Rostov-on-Don.


  • IV Rakobolskaja , NF Kravtsova: Нас называли ночными ведьмами . Moscow 2005 (Russian).

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Commons : Jewdokija Nikulina  - collection of images, videos and audio files