Yevgeny Nikolaevich Somov

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Yevgeny Nikolajewitsch Somow ( Russian Евгений Николаевич Сомов ; born April 15, 1910 in Moscow , † July 22, 1944 in Kazan ) was a Russian chess composer . In the early 1930s he adopted the double name Somow-Nassimowitsch ( Сомов-Насимович ).

Somow wrote about a hundred chess studies from 1926 .

Somow was the son of the author Nikolai Fyodorowitsch Nassimowitsch, who wrote under the pseudonym N. Tschuschak ( Russian чужак for stranger ), and the Bolshevik Nina Ivanovna Somova. Somov's brother Mikhail died at the age of ten during the Russian Civil War .

Somow worked as a proofreader. In the 1940s he worked at the Dukat cigarette factory in Moscow, where he was arrested on February 28, 1943. On May 19, 1943, Somov was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, for “anti-Soviet and counter-revolutionary propaganda and agitation” under Article 58.10 of the RSFSR Criminal Code , where he died on July 22, 1944, according to a Tatarstan memorial book. His works have been preserved and have not been deleted from the literature, as was the usual practice with those convicted under Article 58. Historians still assume that Somov was a victim of Stalinist repression. A corresponding rehabilitation did not take place until 2015.

Individual references and sources

  1. Somow-Nassimowitsch in the List of Political Victims of the Soviet Union from Memorial (Russian), accessed on November 30, 2015
  2. ^ Alain Pallier (with information from Wladimir Neistadt): Study tourneys from the past: La Stratégie 1936. In: eg 202, October 2015, pp. 269–272.

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