Jigme Guri

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Jigme Guri

Jigme Guri (* 1966 or 1967 in Lhutang , Xiahe County, Gansu Province , China ) (also Jigme Gyatso ) is a Tibetan monk of Tibetan Buddhism at Labrang Monastery . Jigme was arrested on March 22, 2008 as a result of riots in Labrang during the Tibetan Riots . He became known worldwide when he made allegations of torture against Chinese security forces in a video on YouTube . In this message, Jigme describes the time from his arrest on March 22, 2008 to his release 42 days later. He speaks the Tibetan A-mdo dialect. He was arrested again on November 4, 2008 for this video and released on May 3, 2009 as a result of international protests. His case also attracted attention because he was allowed to use defenders , the Han Chinese Li Fangping and Jiang Tianyong , the defenders of the Phurbu Rinpoches Lama . The fact that the defendant and his lawyers belonged to different ethnic groups was seen as a positive sign against ethnic unrest.

In 2011, Jigme Guri was arrested again and only three years later, in September 2014, was sentenced to five years in prison by a Chinese court in Lanzhou for his political activism. The lawyers his family hired to defend him were not allowed to represent Jigme Guri. The monk was severely ill-treated in detention and was admitted to a Lanzhou hospital in March 2016. His family was not allowed to visit him during the entire time he was detained.

Jigme Guri was finally released from custody on October 26, 2016, as reported by several Tibetan media outlets and bloggers. He was escorted to his mother's home by the Chinese police. No information is available about his state of health.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Profile on the International Campaign for Tibet (English). Retrieved December 3, 2009
  2. German translation of the online message Jigme Accessed on 3 December 2009
  3. Jigme Guri. Retrieved April 11, 2017 .
  4. Tortured outspoken monk of Tibet Jigme Guri hospitalized. Retrieved April 11, 2017 (UK English).
  5. ^ Former political prisoner Jigme Guri hospitalized | Free Tibet. Retrieved April 11, 2017 .