Joachim Schroeder (Pedagogue)

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Joachim Schroeder (* 1961 ) is a German educator.


He performed community service in a facility for physically handicapped young people in a special vocational training program. He studied to become a primary and secondary school teacher as well as a supplementary course in "Foreigner Education " at the PH Reutlingen and diploma education with a focus on schools and adult education at the University of Tübingen . He spent several years working and researching in Chile , Bolivia and Mexico . Thanks to a doctoral scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, he did his doctorate in Tübingen in 1992 with a thesis on school reforms in Latin America. After working as a social worker in a refugee accommodation in Stuttgart and in the family welfare service of the youth welfare office in Tübingen, he was a research assistant at the PH Reutlingen and the University of Tübingen as well as a research assistant (C 1) at the University of Hamburg . After his habilitation in 2001 in Hamburg with a social space-oriented study on school development in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg ( Venia legendi in "School Pedagogy"), he represented professorships for behavioral pedagogy at the Goethe University , for pedagogy for the learning disabled at the University of Rostock and special education at the FernUniversität Hagen . From 2003 to 2011 he taught as a university professor for pedagogy for the learning disabled in Frankfurt am Main . In 2010/2011 he received a one-year Opus Magnum grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation . Since 2011 he has been a university professor for impairments of learning including inclusive education and upbringing at the University of Hamburg.

Fonts (selection)

  • Escape - education - work. Case studies on the vocational qualification of refugees . Karlsruhe 2007, ISBN 978-3-86059-429-2 .
  • The vocational preparation year. An introduction . Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-17-020889-6 .
  • Schools for difficult life situations. Studies on a social atlas of education . Münster 2012, ISBN 3-8309-2737-1 .
  • Pedagogy for learning impairments . Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 3-17-023433-1 .

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