Joaquím Humberto Pinzón Güiza

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Joaquím Humberto Pinzón Güiza IMC (born July 3, 1969 in Berbeo ) is Vicar Apostolic of Puerto Leguízamo-Solano .


Joaquím Humberto Pinzón Güiza joined the congregation of the Consolata Missionaries , made his first profession on January 6, 1991 and on July 5, 1997, perpetual profession. He was ordained a priest on August 7, 1999 .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on February 21, 2013 Vicar Apostolic of Puerto Leguízamo-Solano and Titular Bishop of Ottocium . The Archbishop of Tunja , Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga IMC, donated him episcopal ordination on April 20 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Rubén Cardinal Salazar Gómez , Archbishop of Bogotá , and Francisco Javier Múnera Correa IMC, Vicar Apostolic of San Vicente .

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