Jobst Bernhard von Korff zu Harkotten

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Jobst Bernhard von Korff zu Harkotten (* 1621 ; † 1682 ) was an Elector of Cologne chamberlain and colonel in the imperial army.


Origin and family

Jobst Bernhard was born the son of Heinrich von Korff zu Harkotten (1580-1655) and his wife Gertrud von Hörde zu Störmede (1590-1652). He married Juliane von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg (1630–1695) in Münster on May 29, 1648. The children of the marriage were Wilhelm Heinrich (1651–1703, ⚭ Francelina von Galen), Friedrich Ferdinand , Moritz Ferdinand , Katharina Gertrud (⚭ Dietrich Brenken), Anna Dorothea (1649–1700, ⚭ Baron Goswin Caspar von Ketteler), Brigitte Theodora (⚭ Wolfgang von Boeselager), Klara Helena (⚭ von Boenen) and Jobst Dietrich (* 1668, canon in Cappenberg ).


Jobst Bernhard joined the emperor's army in 1647 and served here until 1670, and finally had the rank of colonel . He switched to the Electoral Cologne Army and was appointed Elector Chamberlain . After all, he was a soldier for the Prince-Bishop of Münster, Christoph Bernhard von Galen . The Peace Congress, which ended with the Peace of Westphalia , met in Münster from 1643 to 1648 . During the congress negotiations in 1647, Jobst Bernhard had killed a city soldier in a nocturnal commotion. He successfully invoked a self-defense situation and was not punished.


On November 26, 1646, Jobst Bernhard took possession of the aristocratic houses of Störmede and Rixbeck, which he had received from his uncle Wilhelm von Hörde (cathedral scholaster in Hildesheim). This sparked a bitter dispute between the von Hörde zu Schwarzenraben and von Korff zu Harkotten families, because Jobst Bernhard also claimed all rights - including the Westerkotten salt license of the old house of Störmede - with his possession. The matter was brought before the Reich Chamber of Commerce. Störmede and Rixbeck remained in the hands of von Korff, who thus also became part of the Duchy of Westphalia .


All submissive conditional notification, Nullitatis & Iniquitatis, The Contra factam executionem Rei Iudicatae mutually molested remorae In executed execution matters Jobst Bernard Korff, Triumphantis Contra Horde & Consort. succumbent digitized material


Marcus Weidner: Landadel in Münster 1600–1760, NF 18.1 a. February 18, Aschendorff Verlag Münster 2000.

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