Jochem Erlemann

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Joachim-Georg "Jochem" Erlemann (born November 29, 1938 in Braunschweig ; † June 12, 2009 in Cologne ) was a German financial expert and investor .

Jochem Erlemann grew up in Austria and the Ruhr area . He went to school in Essen and Cologne, where he later studied and graduated in 1965 with a degree in business administration . In 1969 he received his doctorate. From 1965 to 1968 Erlemann worked at the Karstadt headquarters in Essen. From there he moved to the capital investment company Dr. Amann GmbH in Cologne until he set up his own company, Europäische Treuhand-AG & Co., in 1972.

Together with other financial experts from the so-called "Cologne School" (not to be confused with the Cologne Tax Law School ), Erlemann (nicknamed "Specialty Doctor") devised a series of depreciation projects that enabled self-employed people to save taxes through alleged losses. The “ builder model ”, also known as the “Cologne model”, is particularly well known . Erlemann also found loopholes in the law that enabled other fund companies (hotels, ships, films) to save taxes.

From 1976 to 1979 Erlemann was president of the ice hockey club Kölner EC (the "Haie"), brought well-known players like Erich Kühnhackl to Cologne and largely excused the club, which was twice champions during its term of office.

In 1980 Erlemann was arrested for selling shares in a fraudulent project with leased gas cylinders in Lebanon , Germany. According to Erlemann, he only found out that it was fraud during a visit to Beirut in 1977. He was sentenced to eight years in prison; the court estimated the damage to be 100 million marks. In 1982, the detention was changed to open execution .

While Erlemann was in custody, his son Johannes was kidnapped on March 6, 1981 . After two weeks, the kidnappers released the eleven-year-old against payment of three million marks. The kidnappers were later arrested, and some of the ransom was secured.

Jochem Erlemann had two sons from his first marriage, was divorced twice and lived in Cologne.


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