Joe Rowan

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Joe Rowan (born 1972 - October 1, 1994 in Racine , Wisconsin ) was the singer of the American right-wing rock band Nordic Thunder . He died on October 1, 1994 in a shooting following a right-wing rock concert. Since then he has been revered as a martyr in the international right-wing rock scene .


Joe Rowan was the singer of the Delaware band Nordic Thunder and a member of the Hammerskins . On September 30, 1994, the right-wing rock label Resistance Records held a festival in honor of the late Ian Stuart in Racine, Wisconsin. Das Reich , Aggravated Assault , Berserkr , Centurion , Rahowa , Bound for Glory and No Remorse performed in front of 300 people . A meeting should take place after the concert. Joe Rowan went to a grocery store to buy beer and got into an argument with black youth. One of these drew a gun and shot Joe Rowan at close range. Rowan died on the spot. The prime suspect in the case was later released for lack of evidence.

Rowan's death was subsequently reported in Resistance Records magazine. A picture of him with racist lyrics by his band graced the cover of the magazine. The Hatecore band Blue Eyed Devils then emerged from Nordic Thunder . Joe Rowan's death is often commemorated with right-wing extremist concerts, so-called memorial or tribute shows, which take place both in the United States and in Europe. These concerts are mostly organized by political associations such as the Aryan Nation or the Hammerskins. He is also mentioned in numerous texts by international right-wing rock bands.



  • 1993: Nordic Thunder - Born to Hate (Resistance Records)
  • 1994: Nordic Thunder - Final Stand (Tri-State Terror)

Compilations / Tribute Samplers

  • 1994: Joe Rowan Memorial Concert (Hammer Head Production)
  • 2006: Tribute to Hammer Joe Rowan (Rage Records, indexed)

Individual evidence

  1. Sam Stanton, Matt Kawahara and Kim Minugh: Skinhead leader believed slain in Citrus Heights home. (No longer available online.) In: The Sacramento Bee., March 3, 2011, archived from the original on March 10, 2013 ; Retrieved October 26, 2012 .
  2. ^ A b The Skinhead International: The United States. Nizkor Project , accessed October 26, 2012 .
  3. Violence Averted at Anti-Racism Protest . In: (Ed.): The Wisconsin State Journal . October 6, 1996 ( ). Violence Averted at Anti-Racism Protest ( Memento of the original from March 29, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Apabiz eV: Directory of RechtsRock-Bands . In: Christian Dornbusch , Jan Raabe (Ed.): RechtsRock. Inventories and counter-strategies . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89771-808-1 , p. 446 .
  5. ^ George Prentice: Neo-Nazi Music Festival Comes to Melba and Leaves Without Incident. Boise Weekly, October 8, 2012, accessed October 26, 2012 .
  6. u. a .: ADF , Definite Hate
  7. Joe Rowan at Discogs (English)
  8. BAnz, No. 241 of December 28, 2007.