Johann Abraham of the Stones

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Johann Abraham von den Steinen (* February 18, 1781 , † May 14, 1849 in Cronenberg ) was a landowner, merchant and the first mayor of the then independent city of Kronenberg , now a district of Wuppertal .


Von den Steinen was the son of a businessman and initially practiced this profession. In 1808 he became city director ("Munizipalitätsdirektor"), then " Maire " and finally mayor. In 1834 he resigned from office. In 1833, 1837 and 1841 he represented the city association, to which Kronenberg belonged, in the Rhenish provincial parliament as one of 25 members who represented the state of the cities as a whole. He advocated protective tariffs in favor of the iron manufacturing industry and a shortening of military service.

Von den Steinen died of a stroke when, in the turmoil of the revolution of 1848/49, participants in the Elberfeld uprising searched his house for the Elberfeld mayor Johann Adolf von Carnap .


  • Uwe Eckhardt, Cronenberg. People, data and facts . Horb / Neckar 2000 (with further references)